MovieChat Forums > Angels & Demons (2009) Discussion > Movie deserves more than its current rat...

Movie deserves more than its current rating.

6.6? Seriously? It should be in the mid 7's to be honest. Guess it has to do with "certain" people voting it down intentionally, some without even seeing, lol


"certain" people

You racist.


I most certianly saw it an I gave it a 2. Why, not because of the acting (which was very good), but because of how bad the screenplay is and how badly the story was butchered. How the anti-matter was obtained, in the movie it's jsut absurd, Mr Grey waltz's into the facility, yea right. Kohler's character being eliminated was mind boggling, changing the ending was stupid, completely changing the relationshiop between Langdon and Vittoria was stupid. They should have said the movie is LOOSELY based on Dan Brown's novel and changed the name.


You can't argue with an opinion poll. Well you can, but you aren't going to get anywhere. I don't think people down a movie on purpose they haven't seen.

If you thought it was a mid 7, that is why it can get knocked down to a mid six. If you thought it was a 10, a mid six would be pretty low.


With so many Catholics on the planet, it should come to no surprise there are going to be some who downvote it because they don't like the theme. Which means, with a movie like this (controversial theme) you shouldn't care too much about the popular vote. As far as I'm concerned a movie which isn't somewhat controversial didn't make a dent in the status quo of 13 in a dozen movies and is therefore highly likely unworthy to waste time on. Which basically boils down to, for me, ratings are useless because when they'd matter they're inaccurate!!

When you notice massive amounts of people do not appreciate something you thoroughly love you, at some point, admit to them and join the sheep or you slowly but surely get used to being an outsider, someone with an own viewpoint on matters. Staying on that middle ground, half caring, isn't healthy. Which leaves me to say those who care a lot about ratings, it just shows on their insecurity to form an own opinion.

Instead of ratings, if you're interested in knowing if a movie is good, simply read a review. Not every review is good, but that's something you learn to value on your own.

I've been loving too much, caring too little -- TormentoR.


I am astonished that Angels and Demons has a 6.6. My personal rating is 10/10 and I genuinely expected an IMDB score of at least 7.5. I felt it was in the top 10 action/adventure movies of that decade. Slotting in the ranks somewhere near the Bourne series but below The Dark Knight.

For starters:
a) the action, was fast and the pacing was superb,
b) a strong 'sense of place'. This is something that Hollywood often forget to their detriment but the best get it right. Think of the portrayal of Gotham in The Dark Knight, or the Baltimore of The Wire or Bombay in Slumdog Millionaire. When it's done right, the location becomes a character in its own right. Despite the action happening through-out the Vatican City you know exactly 'where you are' in city at all times. There is a also a strong sense of the tension through-out the whole city culminating in the scene with the crowd in the courtyard of the St Peters Basilica Vatican which in my opinion was (nearly) on-par with the Superbowl scene in the Dark Knight Rises.
c) There is a high level of brutal violence. For some reason, other media with a unusually high level of brutal violence (Godfather, Shawshank, AMC's The Walking Dead) seem to do well on IMDB.
d) The cinematography was brilliant, Ron Howard is a genius on par with Chris Nolan. It was beautifully shot, right from the start. The first scene has a transition from the CERN labs to the Holy See in Rome. An cool homage to the bone scene from Kubrick's Space Odyssey 2001. The architecture of the Vatican buildings both modern and old are gorgeously shot. Visual FX were amazing, the anti-matter bomb was the most beautiful explosion I've seen in any film, ever.
e) The movie tries to address 'big' themes such as Science and Religion in an intelligent manner. Themes usually reserved only for SciFi (eg. Prometheus, The Matrix). It has a sense of history too.
As I trawled through the IMDB board, I noticed that despite the low rating, criticisms of the film were few or inconsequential.

Eg. "The anti-matter ball wasn't scientific" <---Not a major plot-point. It is not a science documentary, the bomb could just as easily been a stereotypical backpack nuke or a killer virus but that would lack the poetry of the 'God particle'. Important, in a movie about Science/Religion

I think most of the low rating of Angels and Demons is due to two groups:

1: fans of the Dan Brown book who don't approach the movie as a seperate entity
2: hard-core US religious groups who object to any portrayal of religion in movies (even relatively benign depictions of Catholicism)


I'm not catholic and I haven't read the book but rated this movie low.

Convulted story, unlikely premise, excess of red herrings and once the final master plan is revealed it doesn't make much sense.


Never read the book but I love the film and I'm a Catholic (albeit a liberal one).


Space Shuttle Atlantis: The Opera!


I can watch the movie and enjoy it, but I think it gets a low rating for the massive departures from the book. The screenplay just massacres the story. I enjoy most of the performances in the movie, but it just can't overcome the poor execution of the story.

