MovieChat Forums > Angels & Demons (2009) Discussion > My major problem with the film (SPOILERS...

My major problem with the film (SPOILERS)

I'm absolutely poisitive that fellow posters will prove me wrong but I watched the film for the second time today and I'm actually struggling to see what effect the Robert Langdon character has on the plot of the movie. It seems to me that the plans of the villain go off pretty much without a hitch until the very end and its only because another character has discovered the secret and literally hands Langdon the information before dying that the villain is discovered at all.

Yes, he runs all over the city decoding clues and finding the path of illumination but ultimately all he actually does is save the life of one Cardinal, who will admittedly go on to become Pope, but in doing so does puts a hell of a lot of Italian police in mortal danger. He saves one priest, he causes the violent death of about 12 cops.

He's done her. He's done Mrs Lop-sided.


lol yeah you're right he wasn't able to save much, but it would be a very boring movie if he catches the guy at the first clue.


In the book he doesn't even save the 4th cardinal.

Now available as a mail order groom.


Love your name, from "Pandemonium" right? "Glenn? Glenn-Dandy!"

Langdon is one of the best in his area of research and study, which is Symbology (sp). His character knows not only symbols and their meanings, but also the history that goes along with it. At least that is what I have always thought. I do find it interesting, the symbol meanings and the history of how they came about. There is a lot of history that we don't know about that has been hidden from the public, probably for what the powers that be thought necessary as to not cause panic, but I also think due to it going against what has been believed.

I believe the character knows how to find things and knows what to look for, so he has been needed for that purpose and also it is a continuing character in Dan Brown's series regarding the significance of symbols and their true meaning. I think its just interesting and I think Langdon is an interesting character. I think the books would not be as good if different Symbologist were used in a series.


There is a lot of history that we don't know about that has been hidden from the public, probably for what the powers that be thought necessary as to not cause panic,

If we don't know about it, how do you know about it?


Pretty idiotic synopsis ... Robert Langdon is not a detective, he's a symbologist who did decode where the executions are going to be. Since he's not James Bond and doesn't drive a car through crowds at 200 miles an hour does not mean he failed as such.


Considering all that you have pointed out about this movie, you are forgetting 1 thing. It is a movie intendid to entertain people. It is not based on a true story. It is purely fictional. The plot was meant to keep the audience in suspense. That was the reason that Langdon ran all over the city chasing clues, to keep us the viewers in suspense. I think the writers and directors intention was to give us our money's worth.


Well if Langdon had said sorry can't come to Rome, got a golf game then the 4 cardinals would have been killed, no-one would have been there to hear the cops dying words and the anti-matter would have blown Vatican city to smithereens killed many thousands, so I guess, in the end he did actually save more than one person


But I don't think the villain's plan is to blow up The Vatican, although it is certainly presented to us in this way until their identity is revealed. Isn't it more to put The Vatican and those inside in mortal danger and then miraculously save them, thus restoring the world's faith in God and the church?

He's done her. He's done Mrs Lop-sided.


It is a movie intendid to entertain people. It is not based on a true story. It is purely fictional

And where did the OP poster say it wasn't? This seems to be the instant response to any criticism of Dan Brown's work' "It's Just Fiction!" regardless of what the criticism was

She's really Tyler Durden/Keyser Soze/A Man/A Ghost/Dreaming/His sled


You could liken it to Raiders of the Lost Ark. Had Indy not been involved the ending would have been pretty much the same.



That's not strictly true - or at least according to its not.

Had Indy not been involved (if you presume the Nazis would have found the Ark anyway,without Indy uncovering it and forced to hand it over first) then the plan was to open it in a huge ceremony in Berlin. Had that happened the entire Nazi command would've been wiped out in one go.

He's done her. He's done Mrs Lop-sided.


It seems to me that the only person who got the story right is AndyMandyRandySandy ...or sonmething like that!!

The character of the "camerlengo" is so well developed (uo to a point) that he deserved a much better movie. This one is like wathching The Shoes of the Fisherman turn into "Howard the Duck" right before our eyes!!


It is a movie intendid to entertain people. It is not based on a true story. It is purely fictional

And where did the OP poster say it wasn't? This seems to be the instant response to any criticism of Dan Brown's work' "It's Just Fiction!" regardless of what the criticism was

Actually I get this response to criticism of ANY movie. I find this " YOUR TAKING YOUR MOVIE TOO SERIOUSLY" stuff tossed at me quite frequently. If you dont want to talk about the intricities of movies, then go hang out in FARMVILLE.

"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


You're forgetting the fact that he found the antimatter...


Langdon never caused the deaths of anyone and what matter is that he tried to save all of them and helped expose a terrible conspiracy.

"Why don't we both blow this joint and then each other?"

-Love and Other Drugs (2010)
