Pope's murder

I haven't read the book. The movie seems to indicate that the Camerlengo murdered the Pope (his step-father). Then the scientist suggests that the Pope might have been murdered and offers a way to confirm it post-mortem. An autopsy is denied. My question is why would the Camerlengo bring the scientist to the body to confirm the murder when he is the murderer and no one seems to care whether the Pope was murdered or not?


He is trying his utmost to panic the Cardinals into believing that they are under deadly assault from the Illuminati.
You will recall that at all stages he was seen to be forcefully advocating making everything public, his reasoning being that the greater the perceived threat to the Church, the more sympathy the public would have, and a much greater impact achieved when a "miraculous intervention" enables him to save the Church and thousands of innocents against the dastardly machinations of the supporters of science.

"Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw..."


Thanks for the great answer. Order has been restored.
