MovieChat Forums > American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile (2006) Discussion > Sad that everyone's so jealous of Americ...

Sad that everyone's so jealous of America

Okay, so we have more money, better teeth, and more power than anyone else. Guess what? We earned it, so get over it.

Oh, and while we're on the topic, we're also far more intelligent than any other country. Wealth and intelligence is clearly strongly correllated, and unlike the oil emirates, most of our wealth had to be created from something. We also have more Nobel prize winners than any other country, the best universities, and more key inventions over the last 150 years than anywhere else. (Computers, airplanes, telephone, telegraph, mass-produced automobiles, internet, most advanced drugs and medical/surgical techniques, etc.) And last time I checked, we were the only people to land on the moon.

The reason we're so successful and talented, of course, is that we've attracted the best and brightest from all over the world for 200 years. So when you attack us, you're really just attacking a smarter, better version of yourself, wherever you may be from.

You do of course have the right to express your bitter envy in this misguided manner -- a right bought and paid for largely in American blood, in many wars. Just recognize that every time you do, you're only revealing your own insecurity about your own inferiority. You'd be better served applying that energy to more effectively emulate and compete with us.

(The truth is the history of the post-World War II era is largely one of the U.S. remaking the world in its own democratic, free-market image, so because of those efforts, the rest of the world is in fact becoming far more prosperous, and does now in fact have the chance to improve their situation. You're welcome, little sibs.)


I'm Swedish and I'd NEVER EVER want to live in the US. You may have more money and power but you're also a very unequal country which brings a lot of problems. The rich are very rich but the poor are very poor.

This leads to a higher crime rate and don't get me started on your ridiculous gun laws. Sweden barely has gun violence because of one very simple reason, not everyone can get a gun! So far we haven't had a single school shooting. Imagine that eh? Parents can send their kids to school without worrying about having them gunned down.

Inequality also leads to people actually dying because they can't afford health care. Swedish health care is as good as free, for everyone. A higher education is also not for everyone in USA. In Sweden money has nothing to do with whether you get into a good university or not. Everyone who get good enough grades can get into all of our universities. And they are good. We may not have as many Nobel prize winners but the Nobel prize is Swedish! And how could we have as many as the US? We're a very small country.

Oh and Sweden was democratic before USA. Way before USA actually. You who discriminated your entire black population for a very long time. Sweden never did such a thing.

If you're only looking to money and power then USA is the number one country in the world but if you're looking to things like welfare, gender equality, education and crime, then you're a very, very poor example. We are healthier, live longer and have a much better chance to climb in life, from poor to rich. Here everyone gets a chance and taxes goes to caring for the entire population.

One last thing, we don't mix religion and politics. Right-wing fundamentalists don't have any power here. You're not force fed religious ideals you don't agree with.

So suck it. I'm not the tiniest bit jealous of not being American. You think you live in the best country in the world. Well I think I live in the greatest country in the world.


OP is still a fag *beep*


Sorry, us Brits created that god forsaken country and are deeply ashamed. Whilst Britain is still to this day the only super power who has truly owned most of the globe, America the burger eating nation can only dream in envy of what we archived in our history. I suggest we leave the yanky to what he does best, eating burgers and *beep* his sister the dumb red neck.



Zando, you are perfect example that rednecks from your movies are not just a Hollywood myth-they really exist and they can even use computer.


You left out that Americans are more modest and humble than anyone else.


are you even serious?democracy is a right brought to us by americans?you need to learn some history man.Democracy was found in ancient GREECE.And spread to the whole world from there


What has any of this to do with the Naked Mile?

Keep On Truckin'




Good question. Isn't it obvious the OP is a troll?

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


Why are you posting aggressive political opinions in a message board for a straight-to-dvd american pie sequel that isnt very active?
