Hey, we've just about completed the show, lookin' for suggestions for other things to watch. We've enjoyed: Primeval American Gothic Warehouse 13 Fringe X-files Firefly Bonekickers (brief tho it was) The Walking Dead West Wing (yeah, looks out of place in this list, it was just an excellent show) Dollhouse (kinda went downhill, but interesting idea)
Any ideas for other decent, different TV shows out there? Thanks!
As Scotty said, "I'll let ya knoo." Though, even if they're the best TV programs ever made, I doubt they could be as much fun as the green stuff. (& if you get that reference, you too are a Trekkie...& I do mean "-ie," not "-trekker.")
Somehow I never (not yet anyway) got into that show. Consider yourself lucky...you've never been sneered at by William Shatner (talk about humiliating).
(I may repeat ones you've said) Doctor who (Chris and David T's were the best seasons) Warehouse 13 Lost Lost Girl Haven After about the 5th ep of Primeval new world it's decent The Vampire Diaries Robin Hood (BBC production- ended a few years ago)
If I think of any more I'll be sure to let you know. :)
Oh yeah! well heck, I started watching that one, thought it was pretty good, then somehow it dropped off my radar. Thanks for the reminder! after all, there's SO many quality shows out today, it's easy to forget one, right? *snort* i have been on sort of a West Wing orgy since they put it up on Netflix online, instead of the stupid disks. Now that IS a truly great show....but sometimes ya need a dose of weird. Thanks, Mr Pigeon! (d'you race 'em? Some of the fancy pigeons are pretty amazing looking) kelly
Sanctuary is another that ran parallel to Eureka and Warehouse 13, although it did not cross over like those 2 did. It also ended so there is a finite conclusion to the series, unfortunately.
Hey Poizon & mollxx, thanks for the suggestions! we've tried Revolution, that one's pretty interesting & it's on the "keep watching" list.
I LOVE Warehouse 13....use the theme song as my ring tone, in fact! (I love the music, too)
We started Torchwood, watched...hm, 2 episodes, I think. We're on the fence on that one. My partner can not understand about 1/2 of what's said, so it's a bit frustrating. I may watch more of it solo.
I suggested the Vampire Diaries, but when I did so the picture was on the screen of one of the promos that had a b/w woman w/scarlet red lipstick, sorta....I dunno, romanticized, b.f. thought the show must be a "Twilight" kind of tone (not that he's seen Twilight), & he gave total thumbs down. I'll have to wait a couple weeks & then just start the pilot.
We started Eureka a while ago, keep forgetting to go back. It's been so long we can't remember what it's like.
Btw, in case you didn't catch the "cross-over" part between Warehouse 13 and Eureka - do you remember Fargo (Neil Grayston - computer geek with glasses) showing up on Warehouse 13? If I remember correctly, Claudia Donovan (Allison Scagliotti) also makes an appearance on Eureka.
Anyway, I thought of another similar short-lived series: Reaper
Oh, that's funny --& I'm sure I didn't catch it, because the few episodes of Eureka that I've watched, I saw before I ever laid eyes on W13. I do remember Fargo, will have to go ahead & start over w/Eureka. & thx for the rec of Reaper...i do sorta like dark humor, shows that poke fun at death (i love the "Scary Gary" comic strip). I liked Dead Like Me pretty well, tho the main draw for me there was Mandy Patinkin; love his speaking voice.
heck, I'm into short-lived....tho I really wished the Dresden Files had gone on considerably longer; I much preferred the Murphy in the series to the Murphy in the books. Not sure why we haven't seen that actress, Valerie Cruz, more; I think she's terrific & gorgeous, even if I don't roll that way.
There are some corners of the galaxy which have bred the most terrible things. Thing which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought-Second Doctor, The Moonbase.
Stargate (all of them). Continuum. Falling Skies Edit: I also enjoyed watching The Gates and Terra Nova but they both got cancelled, so if you don't like cliffhangers don't watch them. Cheers
Ha! --cliffhangers...I got hooked on SG Universe & almost went nuts when they put themselves into cryosuspension upon being cancelled...I guess that's one way to deal with it, plotwise. That's the only SG I've watched much, so far. I found the characters repeatedly annoying yet strangely addicting.
Thanks for the other recs....tho I swear they sound familiar; I'm going to have to look 'em up & see if I've actually watched 'em. It's hell getting old, but on the other hand if ya forget what you've watched, you can always be "discovering" "new" shows to watch! :-D
I know what what you mean, I watch Stargate SG1 every year, that's how much it takes me to forget what happened (some of it at least), so I can enjoy it again. :) I also do it with That 70's show, it's not sci-fi but it is really great. Btw, SG1 is the best Stargate show imo, at least first 4-5 seasons. There are four Stargate movies too, so it should be enough to waste few months.
Edit: I'm currently watching Primeval, when I'm done gonna start watching Outcasts and Revolution so I'll let you know how I liked 'em. Alphas is decent show too, seen it few months ago, but it got cancelled after season 2. On the other hand, don't watch Sanctuary and Torchwood. I really love sci-fi but I find those two horrible. I've never been happier to press shift+delete - yes to all than with those two.
Ha! --cliffhangers...I got hooked on SG Universe & almost went nuts when they put themselves into cryosuspension upon being cancelled...I guess that's one way to deal with it, plotwise. That's the only SG I've watched much, so far. I found the characters repeatedly annoying yet strangely addicting.
Thanks for the other recs....tho I swear they sound familiar; I'm going to have to look 'em up & see if I've actually watched 'em. It's hell getting old, but on the other hand if ya forget what you've watched, you can always be "discovering" "new" shows to watch! :-D