MovieChat Forums > Jericho (2006) Discussion > No paved roads in Kansas?

No paved roads in Kansas?

I've been watching Season 2 again, and looks like there are no paved roads in Kansas. Even the scene with the Ravenwood shootout, which was supposed to be at a major intersection (Route 23 and Cherry Road or something like that), were two dirt roads. I keep expecting Bo and Luke Duke to come flying through. And the General Lee probably would not have been affected by the EMP!

Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.


There are a metric crapload of unpaved roads in Kansas, but let's face it: the show is filmed in California in the usual rural areas around Bakersfield that are frequently passed off by Hollywood as much of rural middle America.


That is funny because the place that they filmed this is the same area they did "The Dukes of Hazard" filming.

I know this is little consolation but the reason given for staying off the roads, which they at least try to address that is this; People are less likely to run into "bad" guys if they keep the the back roads.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Noel Adams


I've been to Kansas, I there are pave roads. I seen 'em

Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.


Thanks for the update.

''I'm fortunate the pylons were not set to a lethal level."


one thing for sure you can not see the mountains from kansas
the area they talk about is north of goodland ks
and i know eastern Colorado area well
and i have never seen the mountains from here
