
Just started watching the series this week. Did the geography markers drive anyone else crazy? Denver is about 500 miles away from Wichita and Jericho is only about 50 miles before that. So there is no way they would've seen the mushroom clouds. In the episode with the "fallout storm," they say that the storms from Denver come in about a couple of hours. It would be longer than that if we used real maps. In addition to that, they stated that Wyoming was only 100 miles away. It is like Nebraska is completely taken off of the map? It doesn't take much time to look at a map and calculate the distance. Even Google maps would've given them accurate distances. I think that maybe this was supposed to take place in Nebraska at one time instead? The distances would make more sense that way...


Not only that, but despite the terrific shot of the kid on the roof watching the mushroom cloud, there are no mountains in Kansas. :)

When the show first aired, I was fortunate enough to have some contact with the creators and writers. I was told that Jericho originally was supposed to be in the extreme northwestern corner of the state, near St. Francis, but that this idea evolved over the course of the series. There used to be a whole page of clues posted online (long since deleted), but they did not all match.

Baaed on a map that appeared on the CBS web site (also deleted), the fans decided that Oakley, Kansas was the most likely candidate, and held the first two Jericho conventions there.

To further confuse things, there was a REAL Jericho, Kansas in the early 20th century, located near Gove City and Quinter.

You'll go a little crazy trying to figure out the location of the fictional Jericho, because even the "facts" presented in the series itself don't always agree with each other.

