
Why was Hartford bombed? That's my home city. What did we ever do? We have nothing! (Even the Whalers left.)


Yes it was. I'm in CT, and my dad and I looked at the map, there was a big red dot smack dab in the middle of CT.


I live right near Hartford also and saw a map online that also lists the cities. Hartford is a very odd choice. One of the writers must be from there or something.



That was me. 3 reasons:

1. The Marriott (now the Sheraton) in Rocky Hill. Cheap bastards didn't even have a continental breakfast. Not surprised they got bought out.

2. The town of Rocky Hill. Cheap bastards didn't even bother to build a sidewalk from the Marriott to that strip mall about a mile to the west. I had to walk through the tall grass, and picked up a tick.

3. The obviously untrained TSA genius at Bradley Intl. who confiscated my little bottle of shampoo because it wasn't in a plastic bag.
