Season 2 is horrible. Understand why it got cancelled.
I just recently found this show and started watching it all.
If I understand correctly, the show as going to be cancelled after season 1, but was brought back for season 2 after public support. Then it was cancelled again mid-2nd season.
I now understand why. The second season is unf#ckingbearable!
The entire feel, premise, and setting of the show changed. Watching season 2 of Jericho is like watching any other government conspiracy show.
I just finished S02E01 and the time was divided equally between the military swinging it's big dick around Jericho and the CIA story.
Might as well go watch 24 or some other such *beep*
I consumed season 1 like a drug, but I'm about to spit season 2 out. Uggghh.
EDIT: Finished watching season 2 and I warmed to it A BIT. It's just very tiring watching the government/military/contractors trample all over everyone's freedom. But on the other hand I'm glad, but somewhat shocked, that the premise of tyranny and the reason for a restrained government was shown on network television. Hell, season 2 even had a quote about how good the 2nd amendment is.