MovieChat Forums > Jericho (2006) Discussion > Season 2 is horrible. Understand why it...

Season 2 is horrible. Understand why it got cancelled.

I just recently found this show and started watching it all.

If I understand correctly, the show as going to be cancelled after season 1, but was brought back for season 2 after public support. Then it was cancelled again mid-2nd season.

I now understand why. The second season is unf#ckingbearable!

The entire feel, premise, and setting of the show changed. Watching season 2 of Jericho is like watching any other government conspiracy show.

I just finished S02E01 and the time was divided equally between the military swinging it's big dick around Jericho and the CIA story.

Might as well go watch 24 or some other such *beep*

I consumed season 1 like a drug, but I'm about to spit season 2 out. Uggghh.

EDIT: Finished watching season 2 and I warmed to it A BIT. It's just very tiring watching the government/military/contractors trample all over everyone's freedom. But on the other hand I'm glad, but somewhat shocked, that the premise of tyranny and the reason for a restrained government was shown on network television. Hell, season 2 even had a quote about how good the 2nd amendment is.


Season 2 could have been better. I blame the CBS season 1 cancellation and the fans fighting to bring it back. Season 2 shows how much CBS didn't want it back on (the storytelling, some of the character personality changes that came out of left field, the filmed on some Hollywood studio lot look, etc.) This show would've done much better on a Cable (USA, TNT, FX, or HBO.) I think FX could've done a lot with it, but then again, they managed to cancel "Over There" after one really short season. I expect that kinda crap from Fox programming.


I finished season 2, and my opinion of it warmed A LITTLE. I don't know if it was bad, or just tough to watch. Part of me had very little patience for watching the government/military/contractors just trample all over everyone(how I felt when I posted) and another part of me is glad the premise of tyranny and the need for government restraint was shown at all(how I feel now). I'm kind of shocked a major media network like CBS ever allowed this show to run in the first place. I mean, hell, season 2 even had quotes about the 2nd amendment being good.

So, I've warmed a bit. I'm not glad it got cancelled, but season 1 was much, MUCH more enjoyable.


I stand by my original reply. I've been rewatching season 1 and it just has that gritty look to it in the film quality and the storytelling has real issues that a town who was cut off from the rest of the world would have to face (not that season 2 doesn't.) I haven't read the online comic continuation yet, but I would hope if it were to continue as a filmed series, they'd put it on a cable network, especially since there is probably more in the comic that could not be shown on CBS, which would probably result in more shoddy edited storytelling.


I agree. I participated in the nuts campaign and was thrilled when it was brought back. However...I think the writers called it quits when the show got canceled, then had an "oh sh*t" moment when it was brought back. They weren't expecting that, I don't think. Then as they started writing, they realized they didn't really know where the story should go. And what we ended up with was Season 2.

I want to do to you what Spring does to cherry trees, but in a prison way.


Season 2 was amazing. I was really impressed that they moved the story on instead of toiling away in the same *beep* forever like The Walking Dead. What I love about a good post-apocalypse story is the global implications and how that story progresses. Jericho earned massive props from me for not just staying with the apocalypse but showing what actually happens when society is trying to get back on its feet. Truly brilliant.

Plus it was very gutsy for CBS, of all networks, to do a story where the corporation is the evil enemy instead of the Middle East or Russia/China. Season 2 is even better than season 1 if you ask me.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


How is that gutsy? Pretty much every government/military related tv show usually involves the evil plan being some sort of inside job.


Nuclear war and the real enemy isn't Iran or North Korea, the enemy is the corporations and the US Government's coddling of them? I'm not sure which shows you're referring to but I haven't seen any that deal with it on this level. It's not a mere inside job, it's pointing a finger at the infrastructure itself, the way the government operates. Particularly considering this is CBS, whose audience skews a little older, I 100% expected a foreign culprit with a xenophobic undertone like 24 and those kinds of shows. Instead they pointed the finger right back at us, pretty gutsy for this network. I don't necessarily agree with the politics but I was very surprised to see such a political undertone for this show, let alone on CBS.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


Funny how you mention 24, as almost every season involved the main plotline being in some way an inside job. Countless political thrillers have also done it. Its not exactly a new idea.

Personally I thought it was gutsy in the first season for them to actually put the blame on a specific country. In today's PC world actually portraying a real foreign government as the enemy is practically a non-existant concept.


I agree season 2 is much weaker. I really enjoyed season 1, mainly because it was a character driven story, but season 2 is just an action series. Tough guys pointing guns at each other and shouting a lot. There was hardly any point of Emily, Mary or Heather being there. Bonnie is only around so she can be killed. Green's wife and Hawkins' daughter only appear once. Jonah, Dale's squeeze and Bonnie's dimwitted boyfriend don't appear at all, with no explanation for their absence. Anderson is barely around. It wasn't a patch on season one.


Suburban Robot That Monitors Reality
