Researching excessive cinema

Hi guys, I'm a PhD researcher looking at films that present aggressive and violent images including torture and sexual violence. I am not restricted by genre or nationality and am currntly scouring the internet for any I may have missed.

If any of you have any suggestions for me, even if it seems to be obvious to you it still may be a film I have looked over! It would be much appreciated. My email is [email protected] or you can contact me on here.

Many thanks




Thank you very much! I haven't looked at any of those. I did watch a couple of Uwe Boll's films based on video games a few years back, House of the Dead was one I seem to remember, but didn't rate them much! I'll certainly check these out, much appreciated.


obviously you have never seen MARTYRS. Good...Don't!



I'd look into the following:

Cannibal Holocaust
The August Underground Trilogy
Men Behind The Sun
Visitor Q
Guinea Pig Series
A Serbian Film

Not all of them are good, but they're probably the most extreme examples I can think of.

These bastards!


Hi MrVinushka, I hadn't heard of Men Behind the Sun, much appreciated!


Ichi the Killer


I Spit on Your Grave (+remake)
Cannibal Holocaust
Cannibal Ferox
And, maybe, Last House on the Left (+remake)

Wrote a paper on banned films (in Norway) and these are some of the films I used (had to watch Disney for a month to clean me soul afterwards).


I know what you mean! I use programmes like South Park and Trailer Park Boys to get my mind off it! It took a whole series of Garth Meranghi's Dark Place to get Irreversible out of my head after watching in a theatre, on my own, in the optimum sound space.

Could I ask what paper it was, and on what films? Was it published anywhere I could find? Always looking for people to discuss my thesis with, and most of my colleagues don't engage with the material I do.


The DEFINITIVE film you are looking for is this 2008 french film called MARTYRS. I wish I had NOT seen that movie but in it you'll find EVERYTHING you need and it will save you precious time having to research any other movies.
WARNING: This is a BRUTAL film in more ways that you can imagine.
I would not recommend it to anyone if it were not for your research.

Be sure to watch Wall-E or Happy Feet afterwards.


I've already watched Martyrs actually, it was ok, not the best. Something went wrong with the script I think, it was like 5 films squished into one.

Funnily enough I find films like Happy Feet and Wall-E far more upsetting than films like Martyrs. The underlying message of 'aren't humans *beep* seem to be far more profound when told through the eyes of a cute penguin or robot.


Oops apologies IMDB, didn't realise I could swear. I was trying to say 'aren't humans poop' or something along those lines...


If you havent seen it... as someone mentioned above. "A Serbian Film" is the one to see. Ive seen them all really and this is the one that really stuck with me.
Another good disturbing movie is "Dogtooth". I think you may dig it.


I agree that Martyrs was a confused film. It didn't really know what film it was. Like four or five crammed into one.


Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, with a young Michael Rooker.


I Saw the Devil is very violent , and its also a really good movie . Its Korean with English subtitles .


You might want to check out the August Underground films. They are plotless and not very enjoyable. What they amount to is simulated snuff films. To make it seem like you found some serial killers private VHS movies. Often they are compared to the Guinea Pig films (although those are more art films. GP is notorious because Charlie Sheen saw one and thought it was really a snuff film and turned it over to the FBI).

Checkout Videodrome also. Not comparable to modern horror films but it is intellectual and about violent cinema's affects. Brain Dead (Dead Alive) by Peter Jackson for a long time was considered the goriest film ever made. I don't think it really was, but during its release it did hold the record for most pints of fake blood used in a film.



Cant believe this one hasn't been mentioned yet.

A naked American man stole my balloons!


Seul contre tous (I Stand Alone) is a Great and gritty Movie ! (one of my favourites movies with MMT)

The Collector is also a great Psycho thriller with a few good Gore Scenes.

À l'intérieur (Inside) - A Gory Horror-thriller also one of my favourites.

-The Story of Ricky
-The Necro Files
-Bloodsucking Freaks
-The Evil Dead
-Dead Presidents
-Dawn of the Dead (Original)
-Day Of the Dead (Original)
-The Untold Story (Original Title : Bat sin fan dim ji yan yuk cha siu bau)
-Versus (2000)

and many Lucio Fulci Movies (House by the Cemetery,The Beyond, City of the Living Dead etc...)


Cannibal Ferox.
The New York Ripper.
Ichi The Killer.
A Serbian Film.
In a Glass Cage.
The Untold Story.
Men Behind The sun.
Uncut version of Caligula.
Cannibal Holocaust.
Jungle Holocaust aka Last Cannibal World.
The New York Ripper.
Last House on The Left (1972).
The Hills Have Eyes (2006).
Driller Killer.
and many more.

"You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN"-The Joker


I'm not sure if many people have mentioned, or even seen these films but;

1. The "Vomit Gore" trilogy by Lucifer Valentine is absolutely repulsive, disturbing and extreme. This is cinema taken to the furthest extremes. The three films are (in order);
- Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
- ReGOREgitated Sacrifice
- Slow Torture Puke Chamber
The titles say enough, just do not watch these films unless absolutely necessary, they are the most depraved films out there.

2. Premutos is a violent and disturbing film, not as bad as the above, it is still extreme.

3. Gutterballs is a just an extremely violent film. Not so much blood and gore as it is sadistacally violent.

4. Poultrygiest is another film near the top, still behind the "Vomit Gore" trilogy however.

5. Bone Sickness is a film that is much less violent but much more bloody and gory.

6. Bad Taste, another extreme film, is violent and disgusting, but the effects look fake.

7. Nekromantik 1 + 2 are psychological films, they play with the terrors of mental torture while still being sick to watch.

8. Frontier(s) is a french film that is mainly sadistic violence, yet alone being really bloody.

9. The Devil's Rejects is another psychological film, the torture portrayed on screen plays with your mind.

10. The Faces of Death films have no plot other than to show torture, and real executions.

11. Philosophy of a Knife is nasty. Just plain nasty.

Do NOT watch any of the above films unless necessary, especially number 1.

For more excessive films, check this out, you've been warned;

Scream your last breath

