MovieChat Forums > Lars and the Real Girl (2007) Discussion > Awful pointless load of rubbish

Awful pointless load of rubbish

I found this movie to be slow, boring and pointless. I know a lot of people liked it, i just found it a chore to watch. What a stupid dumbass Lars is. And why was that girl waiting for him the whole film, its not like there wouldn't be guys fighting over her in a small town like that. Anyway, i hated this movie, and i don't hate many movies.


to each their own, I loved it.

"What about the twinkie?"


Sorry to have to disagree with you, but I liked the film very much.

However, I do at least agree with you though about the girl. Yeah, no way would a cute girl like that have any trouble finding a guy, in a big city OR a small town. I took that part of it as a nice fantasy.


Yah Lars was totally stupid, I mean who on earth would choose to have a mental illness....oh that's right he didn't choose to have that.

The girl didn't wait for him the whole film...she had a boyfriend for a good portion of the movie and then broke up with him towards the beginning of the third act.

I respect you not liking the movie but if your going to throw out various complaints at least make them legitimate. Calling a guy with a mental condition a "stupid dumbass" doesn't make your opinion any more valid.

"We don't have time for your damn hobbies sir!!" -Master and Commander


It somewhat ok. But way worse than a whole lot of movies about loneliness. It was too simple, it wasnt deep enough, it wasnt really funny, it should had gone more over the top, why bring in sex doll if you are not going to go over the top, town had way too nice community, everyone was way too concerned about main character, how about some space, main character was too naive.

So it was pretty light film. It did somewhat good job in being such a light film, but I mostly like heavier more complex stuff.


It somewhat ok. But way worse than a whole lot of movies about loneliness. It was too simple, it wasnt deep enough, it wasnt really funny, it should had gone more over the top, why bring in sex doll if you are not going to go over the top, town had way too nice community, everyone was way too concerned about main character, how about some space, main character was too naive.

So it was pretty light film. It did somewhat good job in being such a light film, but I mostly like heavier more complex stuff.

A "light" film? Whaaaat??!??

A film can be deep in different ways. Perhaps you were expecting a deeply intellectual film? I found "Lars and the Real Girl" to be an emotionally profound movie. I actually shed tears in a couple of scenes (still do).

As for it's "lack" of do realize there are degrees of humour, right? It can range from slapstick comedy to dry wit. It takes skill to know which type works best for the mood of a film. I'm glad the writer(s) and director resisted the temptation to go "over the top" with the sex doll. When I first read/heard about this movie, I was skeptical about it being a real drama; I thought it would sink into the usual frat boy territory that's full of gross, immature sight gags (e.g. "Jackass", "The Hangover"). I mean, c'mon...A SEX DOLL?!?? What other context could it exist in other than a) a porno or b) a comedy??? Thankfully, I was proven wrong. The purpose of the sex doll was to highlight the SERIOUS psychological turmoil that Lars was experiencing. Using Bianca strictly as a prop for bawdy laughs would draw attention for the wrong reasons. This is not supposed to be an "Animal House" or "Weekend at Bernies" kind of film. I don't know about you but I was nervously laughing at the scene where Lars introduces Bianca to his brother and sister-in-law. The look on their shocked faces...hilarious!! I chuckled at how Lars brother was having difficulty in adjusting to his brother's "girlfriend" (gosh, who could blame him?) and at the dinner table conversation. The whole situation was funny because it was totally BIZARRE!!

The way the community pulled together to accept Bianca (and by extension, Lars) was very touching, IMO. Lots of good messages/lessons there: "you are not alone", unconditional love, compassion, unity. It was a great moment of catharsis--for both the characters and the audience. Perhaps it would've been more realistic if everyone mocked Lars, called him a "freak" and left him to rot in his isolation. Yeah, I can actually see that happening in real life (just look at how the homeless and mentally ill are treated on our urban streets). Is it any wonder why so many people these days are trapped in loneliness and depression or act so cruel/rude towards one another? So many of society's ills could be alleviated if more of us actually gave a damn about the well-being of someone else outside of our family/friend group.

Lars was psychologically impaired, emotionally stunted, socially awkward...but naive? I don't see how. Could you explain further?

When some people post that they don't "get" a film, I sometimes wonder about that individual's age or the extent of their exposure to culture. There are films that I didn't understand until I gained certain life experiences. It really helps to be open to different ways of seeing, hearing or feeling instead of being rigid in one's thinking (e.g. the image of clowns can only be used for comedy, not horror or romance or drama or sci-fi/fantasy). Nobody can force anyone to like a film but it would be good practice to revisit "rejected" films from time to time to see if our perceptions change as we age.


Each to their own, but I think it's a bit harsh to call someone with a Lars's disorder stupid. It's not a matter of intelligence, people don't choose their traumas and disorders and it's not as if life asks you if you want to do something, things in life sometimes happen without your permission leaving you to deal with them the best you can.

I have a mind that ticks like a clock and occasionally it goes cuckoo.


I enjoyed it. Well acted by Gosling, different enough from the usual Hollywood fare to appeal to me.


Looking at your posting history it seems this movie would've never been your cup of tea. You thought The Road was boring then you should've turned this movie off after the first 5 minutes.

Anyway, i hated this movie, and i don't hate many movies.

Doesn't every board has a poster that says this? I think so. It's hard to believe that you hated this one.


it's not a movie for kids. period
