Why do all the computer monitors in this film look huge like they're from 1998? Does this take place in the 20th century, anyone know? I don't remember any specific mention of it being in the past, but it's simply jarring for EVERY character to own such dated technology (even the doc) unless it is significant somehow.
I did notice that too but not really distracted by it. Amusing though, and like you say, did make me think of the early days of PC's!
Thinking this was made 5-6 years ago, that was when flat screens were just becoming more common. So I guess it's feasible to think a small town would have taken a while to catch on.
I wondered that myself, however, I noticed the clothes more than the electronics. I wasn't sure if the clothes were meant to look out of date because the film takes place in the past, or because they are going for a sort of backwards, small town vibe.
In either case, he orders Bianca off of the internet, so it can't take place too far in the past.
I would put the story around the late part of 2001 to the early part of 2002.
My reasons for this are:
1.) It looked like they were using Windows XP which was released in October 2001. 2.) The brother was using Ask.com for his internet search. Google was started in 1998 but didn't become huge until around 2002. Ask.com was still a popular search engine, and they spent millions in advertisements on television around that time. 3.) LCD monitors were only just starting to replace CRT monitors around 2002. If companies already had working CRT monitors they wouldn't likely throw them out. 4.) No one was using a smart phone, or an iphone.
I don't agree. I think it was set in 2007, just like when the movie was made. They were using XP, and Vista didn't come out until 2007. Companies don't upgrade their computer systems whenever something new comes out. They use what they have until they can't function anymore. As long as a CRT monitor is functioning, they would have no reason to replace it with an LCD. I was unable to see what those things had under the hood, but I certainly didn't see a single computer occupying a whole room, as the title of this thread insinuates.
Why not? I still have a 17'' CRT monitor. I see no reason why I should buy LCD monitor as long as my old one works perfectly fine. I mean, it would be nice to have it (new LCD) but I don't have $200-$300 to spare for something I don't really need right now.
I can think of several arguments to replace your CRT though. For one you're probably running on a fairly low resolution (1280*1050), so a newer 22" or bigger LCD would display a lot more information at once. Second, you would save a lot of space on your desk. Third, a new screen would consume considerably less energy. Lastly, newer videocards are designed to work with screens with digital input (DVI/HDMI) instead of your analog screen.
The advantage of your analog screen is that you can switch resolutions without the screen becoming blurry. Plus, CRT screens often give a more pleasant colordepth (personal opinion).
A good quality 21" LCD Monitor costs about $100.00 and the money saved on electricity will basically pay for the LCD monitor in a year or so.
There is no good reason to be running a 17" CRT monitor these days.
Do your eyes a favor and spend a $100 on a good LCD Monitor.
Hint: Buy one with an external Power Supply, which can be identified by the small "Brick" in the power cord. That way, if the Power Supply fails you don't have to buy a new Monitor, just the Corded Power Supply as opposed to an LCD Monitor with an internal P/S
I think most LCD Monitors come that way nowadays, but if not, then get one that does.
My 21" Acer LCD monitor was $89.00 delivered, and that was 3 years ago.
I imagine a decent 21" LCD costs even less these days.
When they're walking through the mall Mars says "maybe we should both get cell phones" when they pass a stand. If phones were just becoming popular your dates would work.
Exactly. i think it was Set in 06-07...his mothers grave also said "Died 1979" and we learn she died giving birth to lars, also in the beginning of the movie Gus says Lars is 27 years old. so...
But the computer thing was weird, those computers were definitely out of date by 2007 but like another poster said it could have just been the small town.
people still used those monitors, because back in 2006 they cost about double what they do now, my 32" lcd tv was 600$ in 2005 and now I can get a 40" lcd for 300$, heck I'm still using a lap top from 2005, was using one from 2002 which was just for kicks really, can't even watch a youtube video on it worth a darn (only 256mb of ram) am also still using my creative zen micro mp3 player from 2004 I think...napoleon dynamite is a film where technology confuses the heck out of me though, felt like 1996, or 1986, or 2004, who knows
"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"
I am from a small town and the place where my mom works has an old fat computer monitor that she uses. And the place where I worked the local Movie rental store (real mom & pop place) is also using a retro Computer system, even the printer was OLD, like you had to manually pull paper through and set the edges and other stuff.
Anyway she uses an old computer because that was what the movie rental system she uses was made for. I don't think the lady knows enough about computers to buy a new computer & update the system. She has a laptop for ordering & researching though!
But yeah small towns can be a little funny and have quirky little things that you won't find in a city.