Let Down

Just netflixed this. I usually comment on this site when I either love a movie, or hate a movie.

Having said that, I hated this. It was extremely boring, unrealistic, slow, and the payoff (if you can even call it that) was near absent.

I didn't laugh once. More or less was just confused as to why nobody didn't just walk up to Bianca in a fit or rage and rip her useless head off of her shoulders in front of Lars, to show him she is not real. I'm pissed I wasted my night with this one.

Also I find it unbelievable that the entire community went along with such a ridiculous idea... let alone the fake funeral, doctor trips, church trips, parties, and God for bid... an ambulance ride. WOW.


I think you missed the whole point of the movie. Bianca was his coping mechanism. He had some issues, lost his parents, and to help heal invented this person. It's like when a child has an imaginary friend, it can be comforting for some. His family and community cared for him so much to go along with it, until he got better. Living in a small town everyone knows everyone, so that explains the hospital going along with it for Lars sake. Anyway, once he started to get better, he phased her out of his life, and began a new, and was able to have a legitimate relationship with his friends, family & community. There were plenty of funny parts, how about his brothers reaction toward having to pretend the doll was a real person to Lars? Open your heart.. geez there was a reason you chose to watch the movie in the first place.


Thanks for the reply. But I really DO understand the point of it, and the whole coping mechanism thing. I just didn't enjoy it or believe it. And the brother was probably the only thing in the movie I did relate to. He was the only person who actually tried to talk to Lars like an adult, and tell him the doll was... a doll. I just didn't enjoy the movie, I don't know what else to chalk it up to.

And now that I think of it, the psych/Dr. did pretty much nothing to even attempt to fix Lars... everyone just let him act like a child. It was ridiculous.


Hey no problem. I get what you're saying completely. I too was baffled how an entire community including a medical professional did not correct his behavior. Or why didn't someone just check him into mental hospital. So, instead I realized this wasn't supposed to be taken so seriously. It's kind of like an action movie with ridiculous fight scenes when you just KNOW those kind of moves are physically impossible. This obviously wasn't for everyone, I actually re-watched it the other night with a friend who left early because he just didn't enjoy it or get it either. Too bad we cannot simply rewind time and get those 2 hours back. Better luck next time.


A while ago, my little brother and his friend watched I Am Legend. At the end, my brother says, if that happened I'd just get tons of flashlights, why is he bothering with guns? And his friend, giving him a withering look, says, No one is going to watch a movie about a guy with a flashlight. And he's right. Movies take us out of our world for a reason-- we wouldn't watch them if they didn't. If you take Bianca out of this movie, it would be like watching paint dry. So your problem is with the premise of the movie-- delusions, trauma-- not the mechanism that moves the plot. So my only advise is to skip similar movies in the future.


perhaps you should stick to documentaries. fiction obviously isn't your cup of tea

Who cares about stairs? The main thing is ice cream.


Perhaps you should stop being a smartass, and stop talking to people like you know a damn thing about what they enjoy?
