Before I comment on the film, let me just speak about the initial confusions I had about the film. Firstly I swear to god I thought I remembered seeing the film reviewed during its release as European film (most likely Swedish). Maybe I was just confused by the Lars name in the title, but the whole idea of the story just seemed so European and a bit too risky or out there to be an American idea for a movie. So you can imagine my surprise when I finally saw it on TV the other day and I thought it must have been an American remake of the European movie. But no, there was no European version. This was the critically acclaimed version. As I was trying to come to terms with this, I was then shocked that the movie was only rated PG (Australian rating). I really thought the mere subject of a movie involving a guy living with a sex doll as his girlfriend would most likely give it an MA rating (this may be equivalent to U.S NC17).
As it turned out though, 'Lars and the Real Girl' was an astonishing piece of film making if for no other reason than it manages to take this potentially sordid plot and somehow made it into a thought provoking, whimsical and almost a feel good movie that amazingly manages to be accessible to even those who would typically seek family viewing. A truly amazing achievement and yes like others I was surprised at how sad I was at events that took place towards the end of this extraordinary film.