I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing the correlation, unless your hamster was only a delusion? What you describe is a normal part of life & growing up. Granted, there are people that don't bond with their pets growing up, but I'd like to think the majority of us do & either have or would do something like that in a similar situation. However, you were only 13!! If that is the predominant act of kindness & being a hero that you can recall in your life, are you really that surprised that you are single now in your 30's? Get out there, meet people, try new things, take chances, allow yourself to be seen as much vulnerable as strong, & try to always keep in mind two things:
1) All of us go to great & ridiculous lengths to always look secure & alright, but deep down we are all really just insecure & lonely, desperately wanting to share our lives with someone special.
2) Like attracts like; what you put out into the world is what you get back, but it takes work. If you put out positivity & effort, that's what you will eventually find yourself surrounded with. Just as misery loves company. So, fake a smile until you realize you no longer have to.
Just my opinion. Take it or leave it. I wish you the best & that you'll soon find the one meant just for you!