I love drama, comedy, Craig Gillespie, Ryan Gosling but WTF...
Craig Gillespie has made brilliant films and Ryan Gosling is a brilliant actor.
This was one of the most tripe and hackneyed films I've had the misfortune of seeing in the past 5 years.
Taken as a fiction film, it's unsalvageable. 0 effort to make any sense. At least Spielberg for all his faults puts some effort into making his fiction "plausible".
Taken as a fantasy/drama/romance film, the script is completely hackneyed. Take the words of the script and start saying them to the people next to you, what does it sound like? a cheesy TV romcom about highschoolers...
Taken as a comedy... well it's not funny.
Also the color palette of this film, which seems to be getting accolades, looks like instagram vomited all over it. Please please please don't let instagram leak into cinema.
I am so utterly gutted. I don't understand why this is getting so many accolades? Am I missing something? Are 14 year olds driving this film? Am I taking crazy pills here???