Some people require an alternate reality to fit in. They struggle adapting to a real world in a traditional sense so need a surreal experience to attempt to relate to it in their own way.
The Beaver was exactly the same as this... in fact I consider it a carbon copy (made 4 years after) where Mel Gibson needs a stuffed beaver to relate to his family, friends, and business.
People do this all the time with certain things. Maybe not to the extreme, but they do it. Some drink alcohol, do drugs, play video games, role play, etc. It's all a way to escape reality in a way and fill a social/personal need to a degree. Everyone has a quirk.. some men hit women, some women get pregnant as quick as possible to feel loved/needed regardless of marriage.
It all just comes down to what is socially acceptable and the town did a good job of accepting his quirk. Funny how alcohol, nicotine, pregnancy, etc. are all socially acceptable but having a relationship with a doll is not. Go figure. Not that I'd be a person to ever get a doll (just not my thing really lol) but I 'get it'.
I was actually a little disappointed by the end *SPOILERS* that he wound up talking to the girl and likely starting a real relationship and didn't end up getting another doll and showing him being a happy person with his nephew and town folks etc. That the doll and that life was what he found to be the fulfilling nature to his happiness. Is that a weird lifestyle? To you and I, but some might think popping out 10 kids, getting married, and worshipping God 24/7 is just as weird.
People get caught up FAR too much in socially accepted behavior and forget to remember it's what makes a person happy end of day (assuming it doesn't harm others) and as long as they can look int he mirror and say, "I'm happy." everyone else can piss off as far as I'm concerned.