MovieChat Forums > Rendition (2007) Discussion > Right cause, wrong method!

Right cause, wrong method!

I am in two minds about this film. But, in the end, this is how I feel.

I can understand the U.S.A. being jumpy post-9/11, but this method of extracting imformation is the wrong thing to do, and a abuse of humna rights.

The U.S. has to be seen to being things "above board". While everything needs to be done to stop true terrorism, the U.S. has to be very careful of the perception that is put across about their methods.

While I don't agree with them getting the wrong people, I still agree that they need to get the right people. So, I would not say that they should abandon chasing terrorists altogether, or extracting information, but it has to be done a better way, to minimise innocent people being wrongly accussed.

I agree with the lawyer friend who said that the husband should be tried in America, with a lawyer. He should have the same rights to trial as anyone, and the U.S.A. would have to prove his innocence. That way, it is transparent, and any criticism would be no different to any trial.

The solution is not to scrap it altogether, but the U.S. needs to get better at weeding out "the wheat and the chaff".

Not only is it important to not arrest the wrong person, but to capture the right person, and make him face justice.


I agree with your entire post, as long as 'extracting information' is not done via torture.

"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


I feel the same way.

"Peace and love"


Spot on.
There's a human rights lawyer in the UK called Clive Stafford Smith who has represented detainees in Guantanamo Bay, and is on record as saying torture is NEVER right. When asked about the 'ticking bomb somewhere in the city' scenario he dodges the question, which I find unforgiveable.
If torture can save lives, it should be used and then the torturers should defend what they did in court.
The rendition practice seems to be pure fishing, taking people in to see what you get. The CIA seem to equate tapping a man's phone just to see what he says with breaking all his fingers to see if he knows anything, which is totally disgusting.
A powerful film.


lol and you think you have justice in your crappy country!! edward snowden wouldn't have gone to china and russia.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


Egypt is the best example of torturing with a huge US aids. I guess this how political relationship between those are anyway.
A true story and u can checked it out "Egypt police force held a man with an evidence of wearing a t-shirt has "a country without torture" on it for a 100 days in a jail now without a trial. This how
stuff is going in dictatorship countries that US supports.


Yes. This movie upset me quite a bit, but I like that it questioned morals.
