I've watched it so many times now over the years, most likely all that's left for me now is to watch Season 7 again, even though I've already seen it 3 or more times. It's such an amazingly dense, content-rich show, it's impossible to get it all in one -- or even two, or more -- viewings. This is why it forever changed my viewing habits, although certainly most shows (or films) don't warrant such close attention.
Bwt, not to worry. I have all episodes copied to my hard drive, and will not purchase anything, particularly from Amazon, after what they've pulled on their (formerly) loyal customers. I have zero loyalty now, and a great deal of animus towards both IMDb and Amazon. Used to be an Amazon customer, but will be no longer. Money = mouth.
Still hope to hear from other former IMDb Mad Men boardies, or those who were lurkers, or any combination thereof. Thanks to those of you who've already responded :)