So after a lifetime of arrogance, he learns humility over a WEEKEND?! by angryhermit50 » Mon Jul 28 2014 11:12:53IMDb member since November 2010
I think they could have done better with conveying the passage of time and any lessons needing to be learned story wise. It's unrealistic to think that a lifetime of learned behavior and undesirable character traits ingrained in an individual could be unlearned/undone in such a short time.
Go back & watch what Odin says prior to banishing Thor
You've forgotten everything I taught you.
Meaning Thor had those lessons of humiity & already learned them
the shock of not picking up Mjolnir & then the word his father was dead because of him & he had to remain on earth reminded him what his father taught him.
Because, you know, when a loved one dies one thinks of them
This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley