MovieChat Forums > Thor (2011) Discussion > So after a lifetime of arrogance, he lea...

So after a lifetime of arrogance, he learns humility over a WEEKEND?!

I think they could have done better with conveying the passage of time and any lessons needing to be learned story wise. It's unrealistic to think that a lifetime of learned behavior and undesirable character traits ingrained in an individual could be unlearned/undone in such a short time.


Welcome to the ludicrious Marvel Cinematic Universe


Sort of agreed, but...

It's the movies.


I disagree. It was clear early on that Thor was more of a Jerk with a heart of gold than a juvenile delinquent. Failing to pick the hammer and then getting told that he is responsible for his father's death AND can never go home again in such a short span of time produced quite a shock to him. He realized what his arrogance had cost him and now the few people on Earth would possible be the only companions he would have. Seeing how far Loki had fallen due to being in Thor's shadow was another push. He saw what his recklessness, arrogance, and other flaws had nearly cost him and had cost him. I think that is enough life-changing events to mature nearly anyone.


It was clear early on that Thor was more of a Jerk with a heart of gold than a juvenile delinquent.
Absolutely! Earth does have something to offer Thor; that's one undercurrent of the film.


he learns it in a weekend because he is in a new environment, it would take longer to learn humility in Asgard where he had his lifetime of arrogance but put him in an unfamiliar setting and he is more likely to learn humility more quickly because he has to rely on others and their kindness in order to survive in this new setting.


I agree with you seekquaze125. When I first saw the movie when it came out in the cinema, I was like the OP and felt that this aspect of the film was a bit silly. But I watched it again last night and picked up on how the film showed that Thor really had listened to the lessons his father had taught him, but had never understood what they meant. His arrogant and headstrong nature, his belief that he knew best, was his character flaw. He didn't need to learn what humility was, he just needed to learn that it was a better way for him to be worthy as a king.

The scene where he talks with Loki immediately after he can't pick up the hammer conveys this best. I hadn't taken proper notice of it the first time, but this time it really did help me understand this part of the movie better. I was so impressed I raised my rating on IMDB to a 7!


So after a lifetime of arrogance, he learns humility over a WEEKEND?! by angryhermit50 » Mon Jul 28 2014 11:12:53IMDb member since November 2010
I think they could have done better with conveying the passage of time and any lessons needing to be learned story wise. It's unrealistic to think that a lifetime of learned behavior and undesirable character traits ingrained in an individual could be unlearned/undone in such a short time.

Go back & watch what Odin says prior to banishing Thor

You've forgotten everything I taught you.

Meaning Thor had those lessons of humiity & already learned them
the shock of not picking up Mjolnir & then the word his father was dead because of him & he had to remain on earth reminded him what his father taught him.

Because, you know, when a loved one dies one thinks of them

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley


Narrative time has little meaning in cinema. What if they started a scene with the caption:

one year later

Sure, they can specify that the events took a day, a week, a months, whatever. But these are only arbitrary references to mundane time for the audience to relate to. It usually has no real bearing upon the story. Movies and comics are both merely modern mythology, and myths have traditionally worked the same way.


What if there was a DELETED scene where 3 little mice ppop-up "THREE WEEKS LATER" *THEN* we see him serving breakfast & SEVERAL more Thor shaped dents in Jane's car!

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


Yeah, but he was stripped of his powers and rendered mortal, so, essentially it was a WEEKEND without any underwear on.... a pretty humbling experience for anyone methinks.


Yes, in which he learned that other people were just as important, if not more, than him. He asked for forgiveness, and was willing to give up his life to keep his friends safe.


Thor was never arrogant. He was fierce, passionate, immature, but never prideful. I thought his character development in the movie was well thought out and believable.
