I just wanted to start out by saying that this has always been one of my favorite movies. I do not think that Sarah was evil, or a bad person at all. I really felt for her character, and I do not think she deserved the thrashing that Peter gave her at the end of the movie. I also thought it was out of character for the type of person that he was in the movie. Yeah, she was cheating on him for a year, but maybe she just could not get up the courage to break up with him (knowing how much it would hurt him), but she finally did (and you could see that it was not easy for her, and she took the break up hard too). I thought she was a good person (not at all evil, or bad). She just made a mistake (that is all), and she regretted it. She reflected on how good he was to her throughout the years that they were together, and I think that if he would have forgave her, and gotten back together with her, then she would not have left him a 2nd time. I understand his point of view though. After being hurt so badly, he could not trust her again. On top of that, he had already met (and maybe fallen for) a very nice new girl. It it had been a week earlier, I think he may have taken her back. I always felt bad for her character though, because she ended up alone. Finding sincere love is very hard to do.