Best movie

It is ihe best movie by these guys.


This was indeed their best movie, out of the four movies that they made. But even after seeing their best movie out of their four productions made me wanna go down to the nearest store, buy a rope and hang myself, after having cutting my own tongue out with a rusty steel knife. You don't want to imagine what terrible thoughts came to my head when watching their other three movies. And to be honest, I don't want to say it at all, because just the thought makes me wanna gouge my eyes out, and it would probably be censored anyway.

Putting Aaron & Jason in the same category as Hitler and Stalin is an reasonable explanation. No, wait, Hitler and Stalin were at least human. Aaron & Jason are Satan's minions. Born only to lead the human race to death and apocalypse. Execute them I say, or, lock them up in a mental institution, and make sure they stay there.


No, wait, Hitler and Stalin were at least human.

Hitler and Stalin committed the most vile inhumane acts ever.............but at least they never expected people to fork out $5 to watch them on DVD.

She's really Tyler Durden/Keyser Soze/A Man/A Ghost/Dreaming/His sled
