Better than Meet the Spartans, Date Movie, Disaster Movie...
I mean, its bad. I gave it a 2 at first. But later, I saw Meet the Spartans, Date Movie, Disaster Movie, Vampires Suck, and Scary Movie 3. After seeing those movies, I changed the vote to a 3. Dont get me wrong, this is an awful comedy, but its mediocore when compared to the other "spoof" movies.
These are the parts I laughed/chuckled/giggled/ thought were somewhat amusing:
The opening scene, when the ninja flies into the vending machine.
When the indian guy finds out he was on an amusment park ride.
The fight between Aslo and the ninja, when they are obviously being hung from strings.
Mel Gibson cameo in prison (DELETED SCENE)
Now, none of these were HAHAHAHA funny, but any of these parts are better than anything from the other films. I dont recall laughing ONCE during Meet the Spartans or Date Movie.
I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.