The whole idea behind parody movies like this one, is that they are so cringeworthy that you cannot help but laugh at it. I doubt anyone has ever seen a parody movie expecting to be enlightened or leave having goosebumps. These movies are made to be just that: stupid and with no reasonable point or plot.
I think you misunderstand what a parody movie is supposed to be.
Take a look at classics like "Airplane!", "Top Secret" and "The Naked Gun". These things had humor, good writing and above all they had jokes. In short they were funny and they made people laugh.
What Freidberg and Seltzer do is take a situation, put a celebrity or well known figure in it, and then go from there. They lack the joke. For example in this movie there's a scene where... I forget exactly but they need somebody to help them out, there's a shadow on the wall and it's the silhouette of Indiana Jones. They say, "Indiana Jones!" and turn around to reveal it's a midget. That's not a joke. That's a sight gag. A joke would have been something like he'd say, "no, I'm Illinois Smith!" It wouldn't be a good joke but it would still be a joke.
You know who this movie was made for? People who look at it and say, "hey! I know who that's supposed to be (or what it's referencing)!" And that's it.
One of the guys at the start falls into dinosaur poop obviously spoofing Year 1. Where's the funny? There's a prehistoric version of Amy Winehouse who drinks gasoline. Where's the funny? Somebody jumps out of an airplane and lands on a Paris Hilton impersonator. Where's the funny?
And this is the whole movie. It's a scene with a celebrity impersonator, some pop culture reference and that's it. And the joke is on you for having paid to see it.
Fair enough. I never laughed once at this movie, but at the same time I do not fully agree with the mass hate (since you know what to expect from Freidberg and Seltzer.)