MovieChat Forums > Wizards of Waverly Place (2007) Discussion > So Pop me was Miranda (Justin's 1st GF) ...

So Pop me was Miranda (Justin's 1st GF) first episode not First Kiss

I'm still confused every time they re air these two episodes. Miranda ..Justin's first girlfriend ( Who was David's real GF Lucy Hale from PLLRS) at the time was introduced in the Pop me we all go down episode where Alex makes Justin's zit come to life . but they always state the order of episodes with First Kiss before where they already know who Miranda is.

I know they tend to show episodes out of order. But usually Netflix and Amazon show the proper episode order and even both sources list the First Kiss episode before the Pop Me one.


Yeah, it's kinda poorly handled if I remember correctly.

"Has anyone seen my bucket of plutonium? It's about yay big and is super radioactive."
