MovieChat Forums > Wizards of Waverly Place (2007) Discussion > Show feels disjointed. (SPOILER WARNING!...

Show feels disjointed. (SPOILER WARNING!)

So I just started watching this show and am only on the second episode and already it feels extremely disjointed. The very first episode of the show does not feel like a first episode. It feels more like the show started in the middle of a season. There is no explanation given that magic is real, wizards exist, people know about this and live together with the wizards, and no explanation as to how it works or any backstory about the Russo family. The show begins by simply throwing the viewer in the deep end and expects you know how it all works.

Then in episode 2 all of a sudden out of nowhere Harper is in love with Justin? While there was absolutely no build-up to her feelings for him? Like I said, disjointed, (lacking a coherent sequence or connection).

Is the rest of the show like this? Because if it is then that is really going to annoy me, a lot. So much so in fact that I might just stop watching if the rest of the show is like this.


What on earth? This show is an incoherent mess. o_O

So in episode 10 Justin and Miranda meet for the first time, but in episode 2 they had been friends for a while already. o_O

I am just dumbfounded. The people who made this show clearly had no idea what they were doing. It's all a jumbled mess. I really can't understand how this show gets so much praise. Like I said before, the show is a disjointed incoherent mess. >:(

Not only do they constantly completely break any and all continuity but there are also obvious major plot-holes all over the place.


Where did you find the series? I can only find the movie on Netflix.


Disney Channel has aired repeats ever since the series ended in January 2012, usually in the middle of the night. The current schedule is 3 to 4 a.m., seven days a week.

Yeah, I know filankey is not a word, but it's gonna catch on.


Spoilers for a show that started in 2007? If you haven't seen it yet and end up being spoiled, that's on the you.

Selena's stuck up personality bleeds through in this show and has escalated in her fame.


I never once thought Selena was stuck up. She's one of the normal kid actors to come out of the Disney factory. I loved the Alex character.
