Oscar quality

Talk to Me was an excellent movie and I will see it again. It had a combination of humor and drama that kept my interest throughout. The movie had a great pace, unlike a lot of films where I start getting restless long before the end. The story was interesting and informative as to what was happening during that era. I thought the music was fantastic, with some terrific songs that I remember well and that brought back the day. Don Cheadle and Chiwetel Ejiofor were fantastic. They brought great energy to their roles and both should be considered for an Oscar. One thing that really surprised me was the actor who portrayed Johnny Carson. I didn't realize that there was someone other than Carson until I saw Jim Malmberg’s name in the credits at the end. His portrayal was right on in both look and voice. Very impressive!



Don Cheadle (best actor) and Chiwetel Ejiofor (best supporting actor) got well deserved Independent Spirits Awards nomination!



Best Picture also?

