Martin Sheen

As a big fan of Martin Sheen, and as someone who has not seen this movie yet, how small/big is his part?

Martin Scorsese IS the best


His part is far more then a cameo but not quite as large as a "supporting" role....if that makes sense. Its a small role, but not that small. I would maybe compare the size of it to Paul Giamatti in Private Parts. He plays Petey's boss.
I am not a real Sheen fan. The only thing I ever really liked him in was Apocalypse Now....but that is my favorite movie. I am not trying to put down one of your favorites, he just isn't one of mine.
But he is great in Talk To Me. He has a scene that is just played perfectly. And I think it kind of externalizes (is that even a word?) what the audience is feeling at that moment. I was actually thankful to him for that, because he expressed what I wanted to express.

Check it out. Its a great movie all around.

Are you a bug Bill Murray?


Thanks a lot for the info, amsyco13! Appreciate it, and I will check out the film.

Martin Scorsese IS the best
