MovieChat Forums > Talk to Me (2007) Discussion > chewitel's accent. (listen up elvis mit...

chewitel's accent. (listen up elvis mitchell)

elvis mitchell raved about chewitel's accent in his radio show interview with kasi lemons .

it is terrible! you can't deny it. its not a matter of opinion. his english accent comes through all the time and it takes me out of the movie. he also seems to be trained in theater acting and i hate theater acting in film. i think he needs to trust that the camera will pick up more than a live audience would. both of these faults showed up exactly the same way in "four brothers". dont get me wrong, i think hes a talented actor. its just that those 2 things really bother me. besides that i loved the movie.


Are you serious?!?!? Well this is a first ....

I thought he did an excellent job with the accent in this movie. And gave a brilliant performance overall to boot!! I totally disagree with that assertion - I've seen the movie twice already and didn't hear a hint of his british accent at all!!!


I heard his native accent a lot also, but it didn't deter me from enjoying the movie. It's funny because most of the films he has been in he has an american accent, so I didn't really get it. Maybe it's because he was a lead character. I don't know.

"You can't throw him out, I won him!"
-Joon (Benny and Joon)


You're full of it. The English accent does not slip in whatsoever. And as Elvis pointed out he got the rhythm right too.


"The English accent does not slip in whatsoever."

Yes, it does, but very rarely and it certainly doesn't lessen his excellent performance.

The best thing about this movie is its casting. The two leads work perfectly with and against each other; their chemistry feels very true.


If I saw it for a second time maybe I'd begin to pick it out but as far as first impressions go, Chiwitel can work the hell out of an accent. I even said it in the theatre. He's got a great accent in my opinion.

I agree that he and Don Cheadle play expertly off of each other. I love that Kasi Lemons directed this. She is an excellent filmmakaer and every performance was solid gold.


People disappear every day.
Every time they leave the room.

R.I.P. Antonioni


I thought he did an excellent job adapting to an American accent.

How hard must that be! Many have failed to take on another accent because there's a tendency to over do it, beyond the actual tone and pronounciation. He did not make that mistake.

Now if his speaking and words were to be compared to Petey's of course they don't and were not to be the same!! Petey's language was peppered with dialect and slang derived from his background and style.

One the other hand Chewitel's speaking and use of words was standard English which was part of the contrast between the two characters which they referenced a couple of times in the film!


The scene where he and Petey are talking, I believe he's saying how he wishes he had the ability to say what Petey says, his accent comes through quite a bit. It's only on certain words, but in that scene it was as obvious as holy hell. Sorry guys.


like i said in my original post. its not a matter of opinion. its obvious


What accent? Honestly?
