Reasons why Trek 2009 was Stupid and Poor Pt. 7
17. Spock joins the away mission.
Hooray! Spock is okay! He has regained his composure within an hour or two to see fit to join the away mission. Well, if he deemed himself unfit for command, he’d need medical clearance. Let’s assume Bones clears him. He’s still acting Captain is he not? Why all of a sudden he’s relegated to 1st Officer when he returns? Does this mean when you are relieved, you come back demoted? But if you’re still reading, you already know the answer. Yes, IT HAS TO HAPPEN. Kirk is the only one that believes in attacking the Narada. If Spock re-assumes captaincy, they rendezvous at the Laurentian system and end of story. Not to mention, Spock HAS to be on the away mission, thus making this even more convenient. Poor & Stupid.
18. Kirks “great” plan.
So they’re going to position the Enterprise in the rings of Saturn and beam into the Narada. But since the drill has been deployed already, it should’ve prevented beaming, but this time, they can! Is that a cheat? Yeah, but we want the good guys to win, right? [eyes2]
So what is Kirk’s plan? Beam in. Kick ass. In a nutshell, that’s it! Zero specifics. No logistics. No plan of action other than blow up things. [eyes2] Now, being that Spock wasn’t originally going to be on the away mission, we learn just how miraculous it is that he did. Had he not gone, nobody could of mindmelded with Pike in order to find out the location of the Jellyfish. And being that the Jellyfish is coded to Spock’s DNA, nobody would’ve been able to pilot it. 100% dumb luck! Thus, had Spock not gone on the away mission, it’s an end of story moment. And because the mission was successful in averting the demise of Earth, Kirk is the savior and hero due to DUMB LUCK.[eyes2]
19. Old Spock does nothing.
That’s right. In order for this story to work and continue, they need old Spock to do nothing, i.e. not to fix the timeline. Why wouldn’t he? It’s in his character. It would put right what was never to happen.
"Give the old timer a break. He’s tired and wants to just kick back now. Let him enjoy the rest of his days."
Sure as hell didn’t seem to affect his will to try to prevent the supernova. And if he feels so much guilt in failing, why wouldn’t he go back to try and fix it? Basically, Spock is acting out of character in order to serve the story. Poor & Stupid.
20. Cadet to Captain.
This is a no brainer, right? It’s stupid and should be publicly acknowledged for its stupidity and poor writing to serve the purpose of the sequel. But it’s not. Even this idiocy receives justification. Examples have included, Janeway promoting Maquis members to senior positions, when in reality they were field commissions due to reduced personnel and OBVIOUS political reason making it a complete apples and oranges comparison. Another reason was from the OBSOLETE order of “forlorn hope”, which is not only a ridiculous reason, but beyond stupid.[eyes2]
Never has this happened in real life and never has it happened in Trek. This is the first time. Does it make any sense? None. Now add on the fact that he’s made Captain of the Federation flagship and most advanced vessel they have, makes even less sense. Ludicrous & Idiotic.
So did you think it was a good movie with a “sophisticated” story that touched on many pertinent “themes”? Yes? Good for you! Transformers, Ninja Turtles and Fast and the Furious are waiting your attention.[smile]