Reasons why Trek 2009 was Stupid and Poor Pt. 5
13. Kirk on Hoth.
Kirk awakes in a life pod. It explicitly tells him to wait for help, yet if he did, it would be an end of story moment as nobody was looking for him. Anyway, the bold Kirk exits and begins marching assumingly towards the Federation outpost. As he trudges along, he sees a beast clomping its way toward him. The bold Kirk does nothing and watches. We finally see the beast is some kind of big alien dog looking to eat Kirk, but all of a sudden. Boom! Crackle! Bang! Out comes this bigger monster from under the ice to snatch the dog creature into its fangs. It looks at Kirk, who is smaller than the dog and flings it miles away to begin chasing Kirk. Huh?
"It’s like a bear. Territoriality. You know, like a drug dealer and his turf. It doesn’t like others treading on its turf and wants him out of there."
As if the beast perceives little Kirk as another predator, rather than prey. [eyes2] So it chases him off its “turf”. He chases and chases until he falls down a rocky hill and the beast tumbles down with him only to continue his pursuit. Remember, the beast had already made a kill, how far is it going to chase Kirk? All the way into a cave? That is the beast’s “turf” as well? And what or who is in that cave? Spock? Spock is in that cave too? What are the chances? And he saves Kirk too? Now what are the chances of that as well? It’s old Spock. This is obviously a stroke of luck for Kirk. Saved from the beast, by none other than Spock from the future.
But is this really a chance encounter? That’s right. IT HAS TO HAPPEN! Poor & Stupid.
14. Spock on Hoth.
What’s he doing there? Let me digress for a moment and reflect upon the notion of “destiny”. This wasn’t by chance, but rather they were “destined” to meet. How does that change the fact of the chance encounter? Because they were “destined” to meet, it makes it reasonable? What a cop out. That’s like saying, against all scientific proof of evolution, we are the product of an alien and the only proof offered is, “I choose to believe.” Why is this theme so familiar?
Apparently, Nero’s waiting finally pays off and he captures Spock when he emerges from the singularity. Now remember, he was really pissed off at Spock. He failed to save his planet, thus letting his wife perish along with his unborn child no less, because they failed to evacuate Romulus in time. And although Nero knew it was an imminent possibility, he never took the due diligence upon himself to tell his wife to move to a safer location.[eyes2]
So what does Nero do to Spock now that he’s got him? Nothing! He does nothing to Spock. No torture. No maiming. No slow death or quick death. He does absolutely nothing. That’s his revenge? With enemies like this, who needs friends!
"He did something! He beamed him on Hoth to see Vulcan get destroyed with his very own eyes."
And he could’ve done that om the bridge of his ship and once he saw it, pop a cap in his skull. Done and done. Or he could’ve tortured him ala Pike for years and years. Nope. This is far worse. Not to mention, Nero’s ship has sensors, right? He didn’t see the life signs at the outpost, or the outpost itself?
"He did! He wants Spock to go there and live so he can live a life of suffering."
If that was true, leave him on the ship.
"Spock’s smart. He might escape and sabotage the ship."
Then cut off his arms and legs. That’ll incapacitate him for sure even if Nero is as paranoid as this suggests.
But we do know the real reasons. Yup. IT HAS TO HAPPEN. Mind you, it’s an end of story moment as Kirk would’ve been digested by that monster. [eyes2]