MovieChat Forums > La misma luna (2008) Discussion > they don't look like any illegals that i...

they don't look like any illegals that i know

i am mexican american. i have to say that the casted actors look more criollo than the true mestizos that come across the border. couldn't they have found more "mestizo" actors to portray these folk? i'll bet that those actors have never even tasted a taco in their whole lives.


Perhaps if they were intending to make a good movie they would have done so. Unfotunately we're a society (Mexico) educated by the TV where everyone seems to welcome Televisa style actors.

My wife rented it and when I realized that piece of cräp "comedian" Derbez was in it I stopped watching it. The part I watched was like watching a mexican soap opera and I couldn't stand it.

The actors in the movie may have tasted a Taco, but I bet it's from "El charco de las ranas"...



this is certainly the best criticism of the film and i cringed when i heard derbez was in the film however i was surprised he pulled it off very well he didn't look or act anything like los P Luches. and really most of the actors selected were a bit more criollo than real however the difference was much less than in generally portrayed in films. and Maya Zapata looked HOT and she also does not look very criolla except perhaps if she were set in an Otomo village and even then she could pull that off I think.


I think that Kate is one of the darkest telenovela actresses around, think this couldve been Michelle Vieth or Ludwika Paleta. Argh! The proportion of blue-eyed people in telenovelas is soo far from real life, its scary.


If they're gonna do a telenovela and set it in Spain or Argentina, then I would understand the lightness of the people, but to only show one part of the Latino spectrum is really insane--you're not fooling us! We know there are dark actors that can play those parts! I'm not Mexican--Cuban actually--but it strikes me as odd.




^^Did you hear what she said? She said NOTHING on how white or dark mexicans can be. She's talking about the mestizos on the boarder. They are very dark, not light, but dark. And I agree with her. They do not look like illegals, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy this film. It's true, mestizos are extremely dark. They have Native American blood that gives them such dark skin. Go to the boarder of Mexico and you'll see how dark they really are.

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Johnny Cade
The Outsiders
