MovieChat Forums > La misma luna (2008) Discussion > What did Carlitos say? (SPOILER)

What did Carlitos say? (SPOILER)

**** SPOILER ****

This question is for people who watched this movie & understand Spanish.

I think there was a discrepancy between what Carlitos said (in Spanish) to his dad and what the subtitles said. This is when they were having lunch and the dad said that Carlitos' mother would never forgive him. Per the subtitles, Carlitos replied (something like): "I think she would forgive you. I know she would." But I thought I heard Carlitos actually say (something like): "I think she would forgive you. I've already forgiven you."

Did anyone else hear that? I know only a little Spanish (very little!), so I could be completely off base. If anyone can shed some light, I'd appreciate it.


That's is what he said. I just watched it in my spanish class (we are studying immigration this chapter) and he says something like, "She would forgive you. I have" I believe that's what it said on the subtitles, but I'm positive that is what he said.




As others have said, Carlitos did say "I have". This is very iportant to understand because to me it was a very powerful reply. While Rosario might not have forgiven him otherwise, I am sure that Carlito's attitude would have led the way. If he had forgiven him then most likely Rosario would have too.

One person that did not see the power in that statement was Carlito's own father - such a shame.


The dialogue in Spanish is as follows:

FATHER: "Nunca me perdonaría"
CARLITOS: "Yo creo que sí. Yo te perdonaría."

The translation is:

FATHER: "She would never forgive me."
CARLITOS: "I think she would. I would forgive you."

The meaning is "I've already forgiven you." but in an indirected way.


The dialogue is OK but I think that's not the meaning. The meaning is "If the father carried Carlitos to his mother, Carlitos would forgive his father". That's because the father never was with him.


Has someone replied to your post??? Yea, you are pretty much right. The father say's that he doesn't think his mother would forgive him. And Carlitos say's she probably would. And that he would. Or to quote him, "I would."
