MovieChat Forums > La misma luna (2008) Discussion > For all those who want to discuss the Il...

For all those who want to discuss the Illegal Immigration issue on IMDB

I'm a bit confused about why all these people want to come onto this BB and scream at the top of their lungs about the immorallity of Illegal Immigration... really.

I've checked on numerous slasher film websites and haven't seen anyone agruing the value life, or the immorality of murder. I checked the "American President" board and can't find anyone complaining about flag burning. I checked the batman board and nobody is screaming about how those films endorse Vigilantism.

All of the above are things that people consider to be pasionatly wrong... but Illegal Immigration is the film topic that seems to get the most vocal posters.


"You shady mother *beep*
-"Dirty Money in the Midwest" by Me


Um, because they're a bunch of racists? Because illegal immigration is an clear and present danger for these guys? I don't know, I'm sure people put all stuffy & opinionated about afro-americans when "Gentlemen's Agreement" came out.
I'm mexican, I do think the movie is a little bit corny (I hated the kid, ha ha), but, hell, illegal immigration is just a vehicle theme to tell the story of a mom and her child separated by forces beyond their control. I don't really see a political statement here.

These people just want to talk thrash about an issue the don't really get.


Thanks for the reply... I've been having some long winded arguments on another post on this BB... the one that calls the movie a "Leftist Propoganda peice" so... if you really want my take on thier arguments check it out.

"You shady mother *beep*
-"Dirty Money in the Midwest" by Me


Yeah, now I see. It's kindda sad, don't you think? I read those arguments and they make me think about people trying to take the higher moral ground just because. (The guy telling you about your "biased opinion" is amusing, by the way.)

You know, is funny how these guys just see the nationality or legal status of the film characters, they don't really see just characters interacting each other in order to tell a story. I'm gonna check the BB of "The Life is Beautiful" to see if anybody disputed the movie because it was jewish propaganda or something. Or maybe "300" because it promoted war on Midwest. Or "KungFu Panda" because it's a misrepect to endangered species to put them to kung fu, haha.


yeah I never understood all the illegal immigration threads on IMDB. Frankly I think illegal Immigration is just a good scape goat which to pin lots of problems on.


You Know I went through the Friday The 13th, Nightmare on Elm St., Halloween pages and nobody brings up the moral implications of sensationalizing murderers.

"You shady mother *beep*
-"Dirty Money in the Midwest" by Me


Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers aren't real, and other than providing some vicarious entertainment, they don't impact anyone's quality of life.

Whereas illegal immigrants have a very real impact to everyone's quality of life. It is understandable, at least to me, why people want to talk about it, and not the morality of slasher movies.


"Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers aren't real, and other than providing some vicarious entertainment, they don't impact anyone's quality of life"

Uhhhm... the characters in this movie aren't real either, And as ficticious characters in a film they don't impact the quality of anyones life either.

What I find facinationg is that while you make the above argument, which holds true for La Misma Luna as well as (Insert your horror film here), you followed it with an argument that contradicts that same ideology you espouse.

My point in this thread is... why did you come to this BB in order to bash illegal immigration when the characters in this film:

"...other than providing some vicarious entertainment, they don't impact anyone's quality of life."

Just one final thought... according to how you've writen your post.

Horror film glamorizing murder = Harmless, and not worthy of comment

Film with characters that are Illegal Immigrants = a very real impact to everyone's quality of life and should be discussed.

Doesn't seem to track for me.

"You shady mother *beep*
-"Dirty Money in the Midwest" by Me


I'll try again.:-) Look around at your you see any monsters who kills people in their dreams when they fall asleep? Now keep looking around. Do you see any group of people who don't speak the predominate language of the U.S. and don't care to assimilate?

I'm not trying to change your mind, because I don't think I can. But I hope you will consider why people feel as strongly as they do, and why they think this issue applies to their everyday lives. Thanks for reading, please have the last word if you so desire.


jayceezy-well said.


John Wayne Gacy, The Zodiac Killer, Jeffery Dahmer, Jack the Ripper, The Guy Texas Chainsaw was based on... There are real monsters out there.

... that being said, thanks for answering the post and putting your opinion out there in a civil manner. While I don't agree with your perspective I do hear what your saying and I do agree there are a lot of people who feel passionately about the issue.

However there are places where such a debate is welcome... and places where it is not. I wouldn't go to an NBA game with the intent to scream at the top of my lungs "BUSH SUCKS", while there will be a large percentage of people who agree, that isn't why anyone went to the game. Trying to discuss immigration on a film website is a waste of time as people come here to discusss films, actors, directors, ect.. and not socio/political debate.

"You shady mother *beep*
-"Dirty Money in the Midwest" by Me


I agree. and sadly most Americans are not very well educated. Most Americans do not have phd's or masters for that matter. in fact, most Americans are just high school-educated. And it is quite hard to argue with someone who graduated from high school YEARS ago and that's their highest form of education ;) Thank God I still continued with my studies.


"I agree. and sadly most Americans are not very well educated. Most Americans do not have phd's or masters..."

Just wanted to point out that you're agreeing with someone that certain topics (illegal immigration) are not appropriate for a discussion board about films, while also bringing up a topic (bashing Americans for being poorly educated) that not does pertain to movies either. I guess you were trying to say that it's hard to argue with people who disagree with you because obviously they're older Americans who only achieved a high school education? I'm sorry, I don't follow your logic :( Maybe it's because I'm an American who hasn't earned a PHD or Master's (yet).


"Now keep looking around. Do you see any group of people who don't speak the predominate language of the U.S. and don't care to assimilate?"

Well, that just doesnt bother me...

Like its too late 4dat man!



Nice screename by the way :).


" Or "KungFu Panda" because it's a misrepect to endangered species to put them to kung fu, haha."

I'm in class right now (shouldn't be on IMDB, but whatever) and I literally had to stop myself from cracking up at that. I'm quietly laughing to myself behind my laptop :p

~"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."~

