Los Tigres del Norte

I just found it funny that this highly successful group was traveling in a cramped, old van. They live in San Jose, I'm certain they would FLY to Tucson and have some bus. Of course then it would have been impossible for them to meet Enrique and Carlitos on the road, but I still consider it an inaccuracy. Did anybody else find this funny?


I dont think they are supposed to be Los Tigres del Norte. They're not supposed to be as famous as they are.


mexican norteno culture sees los tigres del norte who sing and glorify drug trade and supermachismo to be very normal. Where is the morality here?


it is them if you watch the movie it says los tigres del norte on the side of the band


Hahaha.. actually in that point of the movie was like horoing the mexican 80's movies in which all the famous bands travelled in vans like that =)

"You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you" Pride and Prejuice


i'm pretty sure they werent supposed to be portraying Los Tigres because EVERYONE in mexico knows Los Tigres, and so the kid and Enrique would have most definitely been a little starstruck.

random fact, my mom said los tigres agreed to do this film for free. i found that really really cool :)

yay for scary movies.


You're spot on, they're supposed to be just a regular Norteño band on their way to Tucson, definitely not Los Tigres.
They *did* do this film for free, and not only that, AFAIK the song they sing during their screen time was written pretty much "on the run" while filming, using the story of the film as inspiration.


Los Tigres Del Norte ARE AWESOME! They're the Tigers of the North!

Do they ever play concerts in Houston? That's where I live.

I too thought it was incredibly funny that they were traveling around in a cramped van.

What kind of music are they considered? I know they aren't Tejano...

Norteno? Conjunto?

I dig the accordion.



I found it funny thinking of the non-hispanic people/Americans who maybe thought they were a fake group.

Poison, Inject me Baby!.........
