The U.S. feeding off illegal immigration illustrated in this film
The film includes certain American characters who use illegal immigrants as a way of making ends meet.
The first example is the 2 college students who offer a "coyote" to smuggle babies into the country for money in order to pay college tuition. The other of course being the rich people who take advantage by hiring them as cheap labour and at times not even paying them (yes, not paying her the week's work when firing her "what are you going to do? call the police?" is very undignified). If these kind of people in the U.S. didn't exist, we wouldn't have illegal immigrants here.
So alot has been said about this film glorifying the issue, but why has nothing been said about this side of the argument portrayed here? Why yell at the people who come here illegally but nothing is being said to those who feed the issue by hiring them?