I wish we could at least get a movie out of our shafted syfy deal kind of like with firefly. Just get everyone back together again one last time! If they really wanted to be gracious to their fans, they could throw in the cast of wh13 too since that show was also murdered.
I'm rewatching the series now. It's part of my "comfort food" of TV shows.
Just the right mix of SciFi, comedy and community. All the characters are like beloved friends and family.
I see the series in 2 parts. Seasons 1-3 were a different sort of story track. Same humor and SciFi but the community was very different. The show hit its stride in Seasons 4-5. By doing a time travel reset they focused on the characters that mattered and really built their relationships. Only thing we missed in 4 & 5 was seeing Zoe and Stark. I loved Stark but also hated him getting between Jack and Allison. I missed seeing Zoe in the show, but Kevin made a decent teenage kid replacement.
I would love a TV movie to see where everyone is. I'd expect the following:
Zoe is a full fledged doctor doing her residency in Eureka. Kevin is off at MIT getting his degree in engineering and maybe comes back for the summer to intern under Henry Deacon. Jenna is a brainiac prodigy child in school smarter than her siblings and as snarky as her dad (Nathan Stark). Jack and Allison's child, a boy, takes after his dad in the common sense approach to problem solving. Jack and Allie are happy as we expect. Maybe let's see Zane and Jo arguing about whether it's time to start a family. Bring us Holly & Fargo for a visit from their super secret job which has created some doomsday level event the town needs to solve. Create trouble for Andy because as a DOD project the government wants to take possession of him and deploy him elsewhere. Have a Data-like debate about whether he should be free to decide where he wants to be or he's a tool that can be owned and deployed. I similar trouble for Holly since she is the first human cyborg. Heck the question becomes whether she's a tool too or a person. Give us a debate over whether Eureka should go public with their grand utopian experiment. They're no longer a DOD project so don't have the protection of the government. I can see they remained solvent by patenting and licensing their research in the commercial sector. Maybe they do take on a government contract here and there which causes debate in the community. Maybe bring a reporter to town who wants to write an expose on the town and threatens its anonymity. I wish we'd see they returned to their Titan mission and deployed people to the planet for off-world research. They built the tools to get there and then the project was abandoned after the team was kidnapped.
Great starter list, Jacieh. I tried reading some Eureka fanfic but gave up. Maybe there are some worthwhile stories but I didn't find them. I want the show ban! TV movies would even be okay.
I refuse to be outwitted by a 2-dimensional character in a cheap romantic thriller!
Me too! Just recently I'm able to watch it on Amazon Fire TV. I'm a Prime member, so I get to watch it for free. They do kill some great shows. Don't they.