Does anyone know why SyFy doesn't air reruns of these and some of their other great shows no longer on the air?
shareDoes anyone know why SyFy doesn't air reruns of these and some of their other great shows no longer on the air?
shareMy guess? Too cheap.
Just rewatched season 5. During the fond farewell, several people mention a movie. Where's the movie? I want the movie!
I refuse to be outwitted by a 2-dimensional character in a cheap romantic thriller!
I have no idea. I don't understand any of SyFy's programming anymore. There are so many things they could be showing, but don't. It seems like greed causes them to make anti-productive decisions which drive away the viewers they were targeting in the first place.
Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.
Yep. It's the same with all the networks. I don't understand why they can't just dedicate one night a week to showing their own "classics". Instead of all this garbage "reality" TV advertise a retro night and show old sci-fi shows.
At least eureka made it to five seasons. That's way more than Fox would've allowed. Sucks they cancelled it but I'm trying to look on the bright side. Warehouse wasn't as lucky.