Are there any news about it?? The Weinsteins would be clever if they massively hyped a "Scary Movie 6" by taking a bigger budget, and by letting Anna Faris and Regina Hall return!!! This way, the franchise would become as successful as in the "old days" again!
The Wayans Brothers disappeared after the first 2 movies - and you can kind of tell...a little more slapstick, not as sexually explicit - but it worked. It's a close call but I think Scary Movie 3 is probably my favorite in the series (very closely followed by #2). Probably helped by the addition of Charlie Sheen (who was - at the time - at the height of his popularity), the spot-on comic-timing of Anna Farris (Cindy). Personally, I always loved Brenda (Regina Hall) the most. At least two of the four main characters were kept in.
As soon as I saw that Anna Farris and Regina Hall had ALSO left the franchise....I KNEW this thing would be a major suck-fest (a la Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, Meet The Spartans and endless others).
I'm actually insulted. This movie is like a big middle finger up at the entire franchise.
I agree with you 100% that IF they were to make a Scary Movie 6, hire some intelligent writers back who understand the meaning of the words "parody" and "irony", and were able to convince Anna and Regina to come back, HELL YES I'd be excited and THAT would be a movie worth seeing.n However, personally, I think this piece of crap has killed the franchise.
On a lighter note, the Wayans Brothers DID make a horror spoof in 2013 called "A Haunted House" which was actually pretty good. It even has a sequel out this year. Wiorth given a watch :).
Scary Movie 1 was funny but I think the Wayans are overrated. Just look at the other stuff they've Little Man.
3 and 4 were the funniest. They should bring David Zucker back but as director and writer. Even Superhero movie was funny, it just got a bad rep because this was around when all the other spoofs were coming out: Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, Disaster Movie, etc.
Scary Movie 1 got away with a lot because it was just something fresh at the time and the format works best with Slashers like Scream. There's a lot of funny moments, but also a lot that fall flat. Some of the jokes are just as bad as the Friedberg/Seltzer trash,
Just copying the Matrix effect, yeah not funny. Not funny in Shrek either. See that's the kind of crap joke those Friedberg/Seltzer movies would pull. It's not even really a joke. Just copying scenes flat out is not amusing. But there were some great moments in the movie that were actually clever, but the Zucker flicks never pulled that tried to pass it as something funny.