Een fusillade op een kerkplein tegen de kerkmuur? Ook Duitse soldaten waren gelovig, nooit zo gebeurd, denk ik. De mensen gaan vrijwillig naar de executie kijken? Men werd gedwongen te blijven staan. Motoren die een koets niet kunnen inhalen? Een paard in volle vaart uitspannen tijdens de achtervolging? Bij de pont: ze zijn verraden maar de soldaten aan hun kant houden rustig hun gebruikelijke theepauze? Na het vermoeden van het verraad van oom Ben ga je meteen zijn koffer onderzoeken?
Het is geen slechte film, maar dit soort zwakheden in de plot hadden kunnen worden vermeden...
I agree with this (please forgive the lack of a response in Dutch, as I would just insult the language by attempting to write it), and in the film it is very much a Nazi occupation and it is realistic in the sense that these things did happen. Against the church wall, however, might be a bit extreme...regardless, I found it a great film to watch, able to compete against Zwartboek!
"Well, me whole family's musical, Jeffo... even the sewing machine's a Singer." John Constantine
Indeed, for example... June 10, 1944 in Oradour-sur-Glane almost al people were killed. Look it up. I'll quote a bit from Wikipedia:
"...The soldiers then proceeded to the church and put an incendiary device in place there. After it was ignited, women and children tried to flee from the doors and windows of the church but were met with machine-gun fire. Two hundred forty-seven women and two hundred five children died in the mayhem."
To pjotrVk and Peter-174: That is why Oradour-sur-Glane is well-known all over Europe: the atrocity to murder women and children in the church. I went there this summer and it is very impressive. But to my knowledge something comparable never happened in Holland. Executions of civilians and hostages were done in prisons, public gardens, in fortresses, against walls, on deserted places in the dunes etc. The film shows it in a unlikely setting. I maintain my remarks about other improbabilities. Nevertheless I liked the film.
There were plenty of public executions in the Netherlands, in the middle of big cities, sometimes bystanders were forced to witness them. It is a disgrace that so many people have forgotten this already.