The uncle says this towards the end of the movie while Mikhail is watching the bridge. Whatever is the point of this comment? These folks are in Holland, not Poland, and the Russians didn't come anywhere near to The Netherlands.
The Nazis in those times were bombing about the fear of the Russian coming. Some folks believed in the Russian menace and they tended to support pasively the Nazis. If you google, you will find some Nazi printed propaganda about "Germany is the last European defense against the wild Russian communism".
Either way, I'll take Hitler's Germany over Stalin's Russia ANY DAY of the week. Hitler was an amateur compared to Stalin. Russians' raping frenzy during and after the war is widely documented -not to mention the horrible living conditions the countries they took over had to endure-, while the Holocaust -and I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just stating a fact- is not.
Russians raping frenzy happened to occur _after_ the Nazis killed 25+ million in their initial incursion and Russia was counter-attacking west; wouldn'tve happened if they hadn't been attacked in the first place.
You say "the Holocaust-- I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just stating a fact-- is not." Not documented? The Holocaust is not documented? That's just because you haven't read or choose to ignore the ample documents that exist. And really whats the difference between saying "it didn't happen" and "it wasn't documented" anyway. Just come out as a Holocaust denier already.
You're so concerned over injustices Nazis endured, I'm surprised you didn't mention how inhospitable the Russians were to German POWs after the war (less than 10% survived to return home, only many years later).
Both the Nazis and the Reds were rude crude customers. But it was the Nazis who stabbed their erstwhile Red allies in the back and they killed ten times as many of the USSR people, civvies and soldiers than the reverse.
'Completely brainless idiot' as in 'someone presenting strong opinions without even the slightest shade of an argument'? Yes, that is a completely brainless idiot indeed.
Please elaborate on your idea that 'the Holocaust is not widely documented'.
Whether one opts to 'take Hitler any day over Stalin' or not may depend on one's background. Most Aryan Europeans would prefer Hitler over Stalin. But if you are Jewish, you would probably prefer Stalin over Hitler. And rightly so.
A very succinct way of explaining the uncle's treachery. Collaborators in the occupied countries had generally been taken in by the 'Russians are coming' line or were motivated by extreme nationalism.
Anti-Bolshevist insanity was a common pretext of the Germans and their collaborators. We see the same thing today with our Tea Party morons, always beating the drum about imaginary evils that represent little more than their own projected shadows.
Anyone with a tenth of a brain would have understood that the Americans and British were not about to allow the Russians anywhere near Western Europe. I thought that comment was a perfect thing to illustrate the twisted thinking of the coward and collaborator Ben, while at the same time giving him a real motive for his heinous behavior. A wonderfully complex film!