I actually think Jen has an amazing skill in acting.
I think her strongest acting skill is in the spectrum of upset/heartbroken out of all the emotions.
David, to me, always seems to try to play more badass or strong then he really should be. I think he needs to find some roles where he can act, similarly to his role in Friends, as a kinder, softer, pushover kinda guy (No offense David, I just think you're good at that).
Lisa seems to be type-cast as a crazy girl who's really out there, I would love to see her play a more serious role or at least a comedic part but not in the "I'm so insane it's funny" kinda way.
I think Courtney is a decent actor, actually, a very good one. I'd just like to see her lighten up a bit, maybe try a comedy, or perhaps a sadder role in something. I feel like she's always the "bossy, in control, this is how it's going down" character.
Matt B, well, unfortunately he's "Joey". I haven't seen to much of his work but I think he should try a serious "I'm intelligent and deep" role in a movie.
Matt P has always seemed like the most widespread actor out of the bunch, he's simply amazing and I feel he can play pretty much most any role he wants.
To sum it up, I think most of the actors from Friends need to try to expand their roles and try new, fresh, possibly challenging parts, and try to stray away from what they are used to and probably very comfortable with. I think this could help them both "separate" from the character's they will be remembered as in friends, and broaden the spectrum of their skills. They can always play the parts they like to most later, but for now I think they should spread out. They don't want to be type-cast.