MovieChat Forums > Numb (2008) Discussion > Is it possible to have deprersonalizati...

Is it possible to have deprersonalization from drugs?

Let me explain: I took shrooms a while back and it was horrible. I had a bad trip and I felt like I wasnt there. My friends had to take me outside in the cold of winter to try and get me outta it. I remeber just sitting down and staring off into the air. I had thoughts in my mind and wasnt able to construct a sentence. After about 4 or 5 hours they wore off but for the rest of that day I just lied in my bed in the dark still feeling all not there. Is it possible that I had depersonalization for a day and it went away?


Yeah, I think that's what it was. I now have the opinion that all "bad trips" are just panic attacks, but amplified and enhanced. I've been getting them latley, where I have had feelings that I was going to die, or go insane. Have you had any of those thoughts? I had thoughts like that every once in a while when I would smoke too much pot, and now I have been getting them even though I haven't smoked for 2 weeks.

Also the depersonalization thing, I didn't know that was the name for it until tonight as I've been doing research about anxiety. And that's gotta be what it is. I would have these slow-motion, walking in water type of feelings, and a numb, loss of sensation feeling. It was petrifying, I constantly would worry "am I going insane/what if I get stuck like this forever." Well after reading a lot about it (thanks to the internet) I learned that it's basically completely in your head, it's one of the many symptoms of a panic attack. There's a more extreme "depersonilizaion disorder," where someone feels like this a lot more often, but I bet the vast majority of the time that people feel like that is when they're having a panic attack.

There's a 20 minute video I watched on youtube that explains a lot of this stuff:

So have you used shrooms since, or smoked weed?



yes, as Munyurangabo pointed out it could have been an episode but not a disorder. many people experience that after taking drugs particularly hallucogenic ones.
