
A little technical point that bothered me as I watched this movie....

Is there that much daylight outside at 4:45am in the summer in Vancouver, BC? (where the movie was filmed)

There's no way it looks like that in L.A. (where the film is supposed to take place) that early in the morning.

I realize that because Vancouver is so far north, that it receives more light in June/July. But still, I would expect it to be darker than that at that time.


Sunrise is around 5:00am in june for us. This is where the scene was filmed http://maps.google.ca/maps?ie=UTF8&ll=49.104103,-122.653701&spn=0,0.006968&z=18&layer=c&cbll=49.10413,-122.653823&panoid=dY2KC-GohIB2D5sfvSefGA&cbp=12,109.18,,0,5.21

So he is facing roughly east, and in the scene around 45 minutes in the movie, the dominate light source is on their faces, with their backs darker (as the camera circles.) At the end of the movie you see that the shadows generally fall directly below the objects (Perry, and the car being driven) but it's a movie... there is more than one light source.

Also, the street lights are on, so either it is early (or late) or they took the time to turn them on for continuity sake.

