Mind numbing

I was led to believe it was a comedy so the disappointment no doubt coloured my ability to otherwise approach it in a more neutral or open minded way.

The very nature of Depression as an illness is extremely self indulgent and watching the movie that was my overwhelming impression. This was just a massive self indulgent exercise on the part of the director. Ok I mean I understand parents naming a Jewish kid Harris is bound to grow up having

I don't want minimize how paralysing Depression is. It can be a devastating illness and Matthew Perry did a good job playing someone with depression all the self involvement, self destruction, compulsions etc, but Depression doesn't make for a very sympathetic protagonist, so the love story comes off as a predictable Hollywood contrivance making no sense. In real life Sarah would have to be incredibly masochistic and most likely have equally compelling and debilitating psychological issues drawing her into such dysfunctional relationship.

I just didn't Numb funny subtle or otherwise, granted that is a subjective. I just found it mind numbing. I paused it numerous times out of boredom getting up to do other things, returning, pausing....

And a small aside, what was up with Kevin Pollacks face? Every time he came on the screen I kept trying to figure out what happened, too much make up? a face lift? He didn't look natural or like himself.


Expectations ruin films...It wasn't the film's fault you settled down into a comedy when it was clearly marketed as a drama. Not saying you missed the point of the film, but your lost expectation clearly took you out of the film experience where you weren't able to sink into it's story, mood, and context or you just wouldnt allow yourself to once you realized it wasn't a comedy ("Sh*t"). Pausing a film easily takes you out of the pace and mood as well. The same thing happened to me watching Kubrick's 2001 for the first time, expecting spectacle and blockbuster thrills...now I think it's genius.

You just set yourself up for a let down- which is why you wont find too many people agreeing with you. We were able to get into the film from the first frames as we had no other expectations besides a drama starring Matthew Perry.

He delivered an absolutely fantastic, and layered performance for this one by the way...and that Lynn Collins is just a star waiting to happen. She stole the film so many times.


"This is me...ya anonymous bitches"


I had no expectations and I found this movie cute beyond words. I mean cute as in dictionary cute, contrived to be charming. In other words, painful and trite. The music was a particular standout in annoyance factor. The whole depressed aren't I swell thing is dated to begin with; compound that with the self-consciousness of the main character being a screenwriter and you have a lagniappe of migraine scale. And Los Angeles has never looked so unlike LA. LA has its look, Vancouver has its look. This has neither.


I expected a comedy because that is how IMDb marketed it....as a comedy/drama. I didn't find it funny...I found it sad.

Won't you please talk to me while I'm listening? Nancy Griffith


Victoria 1063 -- point of order -- IMDb doesn't market. Film-makers submit information on their films and IMDb puts it on their site. If it says comedy somewhere it's because the submitter marked "comedy" on the form you fill out. But yes, turning a buck off a dope/self-induced condition is pathetic. What's his 2nd film? Suicide?


i thought it was a drama, and i found it to be veryy funny. matthew perry did an excellent job in this. it was nice to see him playing something besides his friends persona finally. i can't believe how much i really enjoyed this film.


"The very nature of Depression as an illness is extremely self indulgent and watching the movie that was my overwhelming impression. This was just a massive self indulgent exercise on the part of the director."

First off, no matter what IMDb says it's not depression exactly, it's depersonalization, and it is indeed a mental condition that could be considered an illness. "Self-indulgent"? Not in the least bit, and as someone who suffers from it himself the director was simply reaching out to thousands of people who can never explain what they're going through to anyone, and telling them "I get it. You're not alone." Something which has never been done in a film before. Don't make thos arguments to someone who suffers from DP.


bumpity bump bump...bumpity bump bump...over the the threads we go...


"This is me...ya anonymous bitches"


I have DP, had it for over 2 years, way before this movie was out, and klonopin, the drug he takes in it, is what i take, and its nearly completely cured me, had i watched it previous to being on that drug, i woulda cried the whole way through, now i laugh, I honestly dont really think you can take this movie in unless u've experienced this.


In real life Sarah would have to be incredibly masochistic and most likely have equally compelling and debilitating psychological issues drawing her into such dysfunctional relationship.

This is bull@%&*. There is no end to the number of relatively high functioning people who have nutty partners. Moreover, Sarah was a bit of a wing-nut herself. Her attraction to severely dysfunctional men is alluded to several time. Additionally, the casual emptying of the spit trap of her coronet on the floor was pretty transgressive if you ask me.

Yes, Kevin Pollack looks like he has gone overboard with cosmetic surgery. He's so pulled-back that he's beginning to look like a decidedly unattractive woman.


I got the movie with the same expectation, but I was completely drawn in by the movie.

And I agree about Pollack. My girlfriend was like "whats up with his eyebrows??"

"you're a handsome devil. what's your name?"
--grosse pointe blank


I had no expectations of this film. Rather, it had the name of a film I was seeking, but I had no expectations of that film either, so it worked out even though I soon realized I was seeing something other than what I thought. In any case, I was initially intrigued, but ultimately bored out of my skull by this one. Also, I think Perry was a poor choice, because he's Chandler. He will always be Chandler. With another actor, it would have been less distracting.

Does the subject matter itself constrain the film to being boring? I don't know enough to say. But if this character is able to sit through multiple tournaments on the golf channel, then he is not easily bored. Neither am I, but I have my limits, and this film crossed them.


Perry hit it out of the park. Watching this film, about half way through, I realized I felt a similar sensation of pleasant surprise during "Punch Drunk Love", where a well-known comedic actor displayed dramatic ability. Ditto for Robin Williams in "Moscow on the Hudson" so many years ago (or for a bit younger crowd, "Awakenings").

I actually found Matthew Perry also did a good job in a semi-dramatic role in "17 Again", which I totally wanted to hate, but watching it with my kids I actually enjoyed it. He's not "Chandler", that was a TV show character, a good actor eventually lets you believe they are a new character. Perry did that here. Even SHATNER is no longer "just" Captain Kirk. He's also, well, you know. Denny Crane.

- - -

Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.


If you find it hard to watch, just be glad that it's only a temporary situation and you can walk out of the theater or throw the DVD in the trash.

People affected by these things in real life (suffering themselves or family members) aren't so lucky.

Likewise you might find this lecture hard to watch.. but again.. 50 mins is alot better then months, years or a lifetime.


If you like the way this guy speaks.. he has a series out called "Stress and Your Body" that is available. If I had my way everyone would be forced to learn these type of things in school, rather then advanced algebra for example that most people have no use for in normal life.

I found out about this guy because he is a world leader in his field on a bodybuilding website. Minimising stress is important for everyone, getting the most out of ourselves in daily life or your workouts whatever.


I had no expectations about this film other than expecting to be amused, and it barely made the cut there. I wish this was more of a comedy or more of a drama, rather than dancing around the genres. Matthew Perry did a decent job, though I don't think he understood his character very well. That's not his fault because the role wasn't written well. 5/10 stars from me.

As for Kevin Pollak's face, I was puzzled as well. It's looking very stiff these days, and the eyebrows look painted-on.
