Carrey steals the show, without him, it would be a 1 star affair not a 3
Other than him , this was a vile escapade.
shareOther than him , this was a vile escapade.
I disagree... Carrey was gross, vile, disturbed/disturbing. What gave this film even HALF a star was the wonderful Alan Arkin!
sharei thought steve buscemi and alan arkin had the best performances. jim was good, butit's the same schtick over and over. the last time he moved me was Truman show.
shareI actually thought Alan Arkin stole the show,,
Frankly autocorrect, I'm getting a little tired of your shirt
I actually liked Carrey's character, but if you think about it, if Steve Gray wasn't in the movie, it really wouldn't have made a difference in the story. They didn't do enough with his character, except for the scene at the kid's birthday party. There was a stretch of the film where his character just vanished for about 40 minutes. I expected him to be much more of an antagonist to Wonderstone, but that didn't happen.
>if Steve Gray wasn't in the movie, it really wouldn't have made a difference in the story.
Gray was needed, if at all, as a villain to make the nasty Burt character seem nicer, and have a chance to become nicer. I'm not up on magicians, though I understand he's a parody of an actual one. Gray just made me think of Jackass, another show I've not seen but heard about the idiotic self-harming stunts.
Jim was awesome as usual.
Don't like what I'm saying? Then call 1800-Ima-CryBaby and ask for "Waaaaaa"
I couldn't agree more. Without Jim I doubt I would even have picked this up. Still however, just pointing out again, what I've pointed out in another thread already. The scenes with Jim are good, but too few and way too short. The rest of the movie is a boring pile of crap.