Greatest mathematician ever?

As brilliant as this dude was, and of course not counting Newton (the obvious choice for #1) considering him as a physicist, to me, the greatest of them all is Euler.

Then Gauss, then Laplace, then the rest.


Leibniz? von Neumann? Kolmogorov?


Hardy said that he "could compare [Ramanujan] only with Euler or Jacobi"


But let's be clear what he meant by that. The reason he compared Ramanujan to Euler and Jacobi is not because he was picking random 'great mathematicians' to compare him to, but because his work was similar to theirs.

Both Euler and Jacobi worked in the era before mathematical rigor, and so their 'proofs' don't really prove anything. They were both skilled at intuitively perceiving the truth of mathematical statements and skilled at pushing mathematical symbols around, but neither of them was good at proving their theorems.

So, what Hardy meant was that Ramanujan had good mathematical intuition, but could not understand why their ideas were true.


I stay away from these pictures as they do not show correct reality coming from foreign directors but Ramanujan is undoubtedly greatest mathematician ever born, he dreams unimaginable OUT OF UNIVERSE equations, no one will ever be born like him. His associate Hardy ripped his works and attached his names to Ramanujan's discoveries.

Newton seriously ? the dude's calculus was use in India 250 years before newton claimed to have invented it. From Pythogoras theorem to Fibonacci series to Geometry to Calculus to Trigonometry everything came from India..Greeks borrowed the knowledge from Indians is a Known fact. So newton or euler are not even close to Mathematicians of ancient India

My devil danced with his demon and the fiddler tune is far from over.


You sound like Checkov on the Enterprise talking about the Russians.


Being said there are several "types" of mathematicians, the greatest (at least in Logic) could be Kurt Gödel. With his Incompleteness Theorems, he had the same revolutionary impact in Maths as Einstein (with whom he was friend) had in Physics with his Theory of Relativity.
By the way, his life could be interesting enough to be transposed into a movie, such happened with John Nash. He was a bit "schizophrenic", as well.

I always say too much Maths hurts. ... 

I'm Winston Wolf. I solve problems.

...And no dream is ever... just a dream...


>> I always say too much Maths hurts

LOL, good one.

I really like math, but I am not so great with math books.
I excelled in math, trig, calc, etc, but have not done much
with it since college. You don't know of a good book that
explores some of these ideas in concept form as opposed to
rigorous symbolic form. I am good in concepts, but maybe
dyslexic in math symbols.

I was a bit disappointed in this movie, but it was interesting
and sad to see how the very culture that could appreciate
Ram... was instrumental in his destruction. What an amazing
mind, and can you imagine how the planet would change if
this kind of thinking could be understood and reproduced
in people?


Actually, I haven't watched this movie yet. 

I studied Physics (earlier) and Electronic Engineering (now), and, to me, Maths has always represented a tool for solving problems (...indeed ).

I have never liked Maths in the form of "theorem + demonstration".
I think I lack the capacity to "abstract".

I'm Winston Wolf. I solve problems.

...And no dream is ever... just a dream...


Except Chekov - I believe, at least has some idea of what he is talking about while this guy, whom you replied to, patently knows little about either Newtonian calculus or the ancient Indian's mathematics. Ironically, he is criticizing the credibility of the work on biography of a historical figure. I mean, suppose what he is claiming is true, that the mathematics found in Indian folk culture is in any way comparable to the depth of the mathematics in Principia, then we are looking at a civilization being given an extremely powerful tool a few hundred years early yet showed no significance advance in engineering, physics or even mathematics or philosophy in comparison to their less enlightened neighboring civilizations. This is somewhat equivalent to watching a sprinter who started at half way closer to the goal than his opponents and still managed to lose the race. And what I find the most amusing is the guy boasting this fact actually thinks he is singing praises to the Indians.

Then again, look at the other side of the spectrum, from my experience, a very small percentage of people who praise Newton's work actually made it through the first chapter of his book. Amongst those, an equally small percentage actually finished the book, and in this group, yet another equally small percentage actually understands it well enough to comment about the course of Newton's thought. (I certainly do not belong to this last group!). I once tried reading Principia when I was 15, but soon gave up. One thing I am sure of is that if you want to study classical mechanics, Principia is NOT the place to start! It has all the inherent difficulty and obscurity of any classic, with numerous approaches to fundamental considerations that are nowadays treated in quite different ways. I am not a classicist by any measure, but now and again i can say that I somewhat understand Newton's greatness and how alone he was back then, that's how I felt when I read through an article about duality and power force laws recently


Can you really be the greatest mathematician ever known if you can't prove your own work?

He certainly had a gift which no-one else had, but he had his weaknesses too.

Certainly a pity that he died so young. Who knows what he might have achieved in another 40 years.


Can you really be the greatest mathematician ever known if you can't prove your own work?

I suppose yes.

In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it.
- Georg Cantor

Sounds rather counter productive I know 

To see how this could be true, one needs to actually do math, or physics, or philosophy,... or other sciences, or literature or art, etc.

However, only a very gifted individual actually experiences the truth of the statement (i.e. to ask something so profound that it creates a (or a few) new branch of mathematics).

Usually the greatest mathematicians (or physicists) are known for solving unsolved problems by creating new abstract structures or using old ones in a fundamentally new way (Planck with quantum energy, Einstein with the Lorentz group, Grothendieck with Scheme, Wiles with Elliptic curves, Perelman with Ricci flow etc. and recently Mochizuki with Frobenioids and his theory that about 5 people in the world can understand and none can explain it well enough for others). In any case, at the end of these theories (just flip to the final pages of the thesis) you often see a summary of results, references to other work, for the sake of completeness they don't usually include unsolved question(s). First of all, these questions always exist. Sometimes these questions are not much of a logical leap away for people at this level, i.e. it doesn't take long (months, years) for experts at the frontier of human knowledge to see them. HOWEVER, sometimes, especially in mathematics, the profound questions in a theory don't arrive until a generation later when humans are used to its abstractness (which is right now the case with Mochizuki's theory).
I suppose the one who asked an unsolved question of this latter category is great indeed. Ramanujan's conjecture doesn't quite belong to this class, but then again he also solved many difficult problems - all of which are great achievements in mathematics so it's safe to say he proved most of his work and didn't prove some of his conjectures - like any great, rather moot point

I can tell you the reason why he is ridiculously influential and also the favorite of many working mathematicians in this generation: Ramanujan has unparalleled intuition, unseen before in history.

He is not an infallible oracle, Hardy knew this, Littlewood knew this, but he was eerily close to one, in fact, too close for comfort in the culture of early twentieth century Cambridge mathematics (which has always been a timeless rigorous monument of definitions - axioms - theorems - proofs, in that order). I don't follow the legend of Ramanujan, and he isn't my favorite mathematician but I am aware of his quite disproportionately big influence (given the very brief period they knew each other) on Hardy and Littlewood's work, even up to modern analysis! That is incredible for a guy who is almost entirely self taught.

One thing I quite like about this movie is that it doesn't glorify a special snowflake figure in the typical Hollywood way, in my interpretation anyway. Ramanujan claimed, in his letters to Hardy, that he had found a more or less exact formula for the prime counting function (the number of primes less than or equal to n). Upon closer inspection by Hardy and Littlewood, this formula was later shown to be incorrect. Hardy even commented
Ramanujan’s theory of primes was vitiated by his ignorance of the theory of functions of a complex variable. It was (so to say) what the theory might be if the Zeta-function had no complex zeros. His method depended upon a wholesale use of divergent series… That his proofs should have been invalid was only to be expected. But the mistakes went deeper than that, and many of the actual results were false. He had obtained the dominant terms of the classical formulae, although by invalid methods; but none of them are such close approximations as he supposed.

This is part of the ongoing tension in the movie between the transcendental intuition, as exemplified by Ramanujan, and the classical deductive-analytical rigor, as exemplified by Hardy; however it explores the conflict between these two aspects in a way that did them both justice, I honestly don't see the hero and the villain. There is no final victory or defeat, there's only the usual development of mathematics, with drama! I believe the massage of this juxtaposition is that pure mathematicians do what they do not because of applications to physics or anything else, but simply because they feel compelled to: for the devout Ramanujan, math was literally about writing down “the thoughts of God,” while for the atheist Hardy, math was a religion-substitute.


Thank you - that was one of the most insightful posts I've read in a while. I'm not too good at maths, but I guess I'm a romantic at heart, and nothing is more romantic than the purity of absolute truth, which can only be expressed in mathematics.


There's only your most favorite mathematician ever, people so enthusiastically naming legends haven't showed that in their particular metric of greatness, the greatest mathematician exists or if he is even unique (e.g Nicolas Bourbaki )

I heard that Euler has the most amount of publications, (they are still translating these manuscripts into English as of this day :O) and he did all that alone, many while being blind too (and people say playing blindfold chess is harmful for your brain, this dude published papers in math journal blindfolded )

That said, my favorite is Grothendieck. favorite mathematician alive is probably Serre.


I heard that Euler has the most amount of publications,

He did for a long time. Indeed, after he died, there was such a big backlog of his unpublished papers that 'new' papers by him continued to be published for more than 50 years. However , his record was broken in the 20th century by Paul Erdos.

But I will say this about Euler: his discoveries are central to modern mathematics and are commonly taught to undergraduates today. Erdos' work is nowhere near as important, and will never be understood by anyone except experts in Discrete Math. So I say that Euler's contributions are still bigger.


Gauss probably, but Euler is a good choice too


There have been many great mathematicians, in almost every civilization, from Euclid and Al-Khwarizmi to Euler and Ramanujan. Who is the greatest mathematician is a very subjective question. But Ramanujan certainly belongs up there among the greats. One could make an argument about him being the greatest mathematician of the 20th century.


Who is the greatest mathematician is a very subjective question

No, it isn't, not at all, that's like saying the question of which major league baseball hit the most home runs is a subjective question. All you have to do is count up the number of theorems and fundamental results and discoveries that a mathematician made in his entire career. And if you go by that measure, which is the only reasonable measure, then no one compares to Gauss, no one even deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence as Gauss.


All you have to do is count up the number of theorems and fundamental results and discoveries that a mathematician made in his entire career. And if you go by that measure, which is the only reasonable measure, then no one compares to Gauss, no one even deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence as Gauss.

Do you actually have a number for the total amount of theorems, fundamental results and discoveries by Gauss? If not, then your opinion is subjective.
