can't wait

I just can't wait for this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come soon please..!!! Any new stills though??


Have you checked the trailer for it , looks great. Its on RomolaGaraionline.

They will release it in France first I think and maybe showcase it at Cannes next year, I have no idea.


Yeah I've seen it.. looks very good.
uhm..good idea..Cannes!! =)


I'm a big fan of Ozon. I've seen all of his shorts since '94 and every feature film except "Sitcom" and "Time to Leave".

This one I hope will be his masterpiece. I love his work and I'm glad that Charlotte Rampling is in it and hope to see what Romola Garai can do since I've only seen her in "I Capture the Castle", "Rory O'Shea was Here" and "Vanity Fair".


You all right! but is there a possibility...I mean..will this movie be screened at Cannes??


Its tough to say right now, I guess they are still putting finishing touches to it.
But Cannes does love Ozon and his movies so lets hope so.


That's great..I've seen release dates for countries like UK and France, but what about other States??


I have heard someone baught the rights at the Toronto Fil Festival so I am sure they will show it at limited release but dont know when.


I see..I just hope it will be released in Italy,where I live.


Not sure you can post links, but there is a teaser trailer. Put in your web search engine name of movie, and look for a listing for Scope invest - filmographie - then look for film's name, go to page and you will see link for trailer. Also there is a still on Francois Ozon's web site, and there are stills made from trailer on Michael Fassbender's three fan groups web sites.
Michael Fassbender is in the movie "300", which will be coming out around the same time. March 2007 and I have also heard Cannes.


Thank you!!! Love the trailer.


Looks good but not quite what I was expecting from Ozon. I really should know better as Ozon is NEVER predictable! The costumes look absolutely gorgeous-this film will definitely be eye candy.


Thanks for the link. I am a MF fan but was it just me, or did the kiss really look a bit dispassionate (as though they were very cold & worried about getting their lips frozen together)?


Which kiss are U talking about the one in the rain or the one during the discussion of ' love '.

According to the trivia of the movie it was really cold so I don't blame them for getting it over and done with as quickly as possible but the other smooch sure looks saucy.


Well I didnt think it was exactly disspassionate, but I ahve read the book and the characters really dont have what I would call a great love. So maybe that is why it seemed that way.
