Pretty good!
I saw it today in the theater. I was with a friend and we were supposed to see Goya's Ghost, but my friend told me about Angel, so we went to see that instead. I had no idea what to expect, but my friend told me it's a glossy English movie with British humor, so I was all for it! lol
I was very surprised by this film! It's not a very predictable movie, eventhough it could've end up that way. It can be cliche at some points, but that's what's so great about it! Because it is so over the top the director can get away with it.
Ramola Garai is excellent as Angel! There are some scenes that just made me crack up and laugh out loud eventhough they (probably) weren't meant to be funny. But she has this quality to her that is just hilarious. I couldn't stand Angel in some scenes, but she was so naive in other scenes that you just can't help but feel sorry for her.
It's very much like Gone With The Wind in my opinion (Angel reminded me so much of Scarlett O'Hara). This film can be very dramatic at some points, but the way Romola Garai portrays Angel, those scenes are almost comical, which is just brilliant in my opinion!
Not everyone will like it, but just give it a chance! ;)
"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"