MovieChat Forums > Little People, Big World (2006) Discussion > Andrea's questions about Matt and Amy ge...

Andrea's questions about Matt and Amy getting back together

I was actually shocked that the interview lasted two hours. It seemed that there were so many questions relating to Matt and Amy getting back together. Andrea asked Matt and Amy in several different ways at different times during the interview, then asked the kids how they would feel if their parents got back together, etc. IMO, it was almost over the top. Any thoughts?


I thought she kept asking e same questions over and over. She also kept saying things about Amy being alone in the house and isn't she sad/lonely. It was almost like she was trying to make her feel bad or make her admit to wanting to get back with Matt.


I agree she kept asking the same question different ways, but I think she was trying to get Amy to admit she really still loves Matt and wants to be with him. It's 100% obvious she is still in love with him, while Matt looks like he could care less. None of what Amy said and what Andrea asked provoked any emotion, I think she was trying to get more from Matt than Amy. I feel bad for Amy because you can almost see her heart breaking and tearing up when talking about if they could have worked it out, and Matt just had a "whatever" look on his face.


TBH, this past season is the only one I've ever watched faithfully, so I didn't miss an episode, but it seems to me that Matt has never been a "family man." It seems like his projects and the farm are where his heart is. Or maybe it's just that this past season, he's finally had independence that he hasn't had since before marrying Amy. I know he cares for his kids, but that doesn't mean he (or anyone, for that matter) wanted to stay married.


I think that is the difference,she appears to like some of the Independence and ability of making choices like the color of a room etc, but also like making choices together. On the other hand I think Matt likes the Independence completely and without sharing ideas or compromise. I think that's all Amy ever wanted with his projects maybe had he made her more apart of them, she wouldn't have felt excluded. They are both guilty of not compromising though.


I don't really see that Amy is still in love with Matt. During their marriage, he seemed to be more into Amy than she was into him. I think she is apprehensive about living alone, thoug.


That may be the case, but Matt always had to leave family gathering to tend to OTHER business, it always seemed like the family/married life wasn't a priority. The look on her face was like speak for yourself, when he said "we fell out of love." I think she loves him but, loves the thought of what they were years ago and not the man he is now.


I agree. I used to watch when the show first came out. Amy was never satisfied and Matt would look hurt and after a few seasons, remove himself.


Amy was never satisfied and Matt would look hurt and after a few seasons, remove himself.

Matt is a Master Manipulator to the highest degree! He needs to realize that Amy is an adult and his equal . Not some child that is still under his control. He acts like he's her dad instead of her ex husband.


This is more what I've always sensed too.


The interviewer might have been a therapist as well. She asked the hard questions.

